JoDuta, mungkin lah tahu; kalau alun agiah tahu kawan-kawan rsvpnyo 15 May 2013.
Ambo indak taleso pai.
-- Nyiak Sunguik

--- On Sun, 5/12/13, Sjoufjan Awal (CBN) <> wrote:

From: Sjoufjan Awal (CBN) <>
Subject: FW: Indonesia Conference @ CSIS
To: "Hambo Ciek" <>
Date: Sunday, May 12, 2013, 11:36 AM

Pak sjamsir yth,  Mungkian angkoe tertarik dan kebetulan di DC  Salam arek      
From: David Merrill [] 
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:31 AM
Subject: Indonesia Conference @ CSIS
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 USINDO wishes to bring the following important event, for which USINDO is a 
cooperating partner, to your attention. To register, please RSVP here. 
Dear Colleague:On behalf of the Center for Strategic and International Studies
 (CSIS), in cooperation with the Embassy of Indonesia, the U.S.-Indonesia 
Society, and the U.S.-ASEAN Business Council, it is my distinct honor to invite 
you to join a select and high-level group of experts and senior policy makers 
for The Indonesia Conference @ CSIS on May 16. The program will be held at the 
Four Seasons Hotel, 2800 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington D.C.

The goal of the Indonesia Conference @ CSIS is to put new ideas and energy into 
the U.S.-Indonesia relationship generally, and specifically to discuss ideas 
that CSIS will develop into concrete recommendations for taking the 
Indonesia-U.S. Comprehensive Partnership to a deeper level by 2020.
 CSIS' Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies is writing a major research 
paper and preparing a set of recommendations on the U.S.-Indonesia relationship 
ahead of President Obama's October trip to Bali and Brunei Darussalam for the 
APEC and East Asia Summit, respectively. Keynote speeches will be given by 
Minister of Foreign Affairs Marty Natalegawa and Minister of Defense Purnomo 
Yusgiantoro (See full agenda below). Please click here to RSVP by Wednesday, 
May 15, 2013. NOTE: You must log on to your CSIS account to register. If you do 
not have an account with CSIS, you will need to create one. If you have any 
difficulties, or do not receive "password reset" emails, please contact

For up to the minute updates on speakers and topics, please follow 
@SoutheastAsiaDC, @CSIS and #CSISLive.

Ernest Z. Bower
Senior Adviser & Director - Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies

THURSDAY - MAY 16, 2013The Four Seasons2800 Pennsylvania Ave, NWWashington, DC 
20007  8:30am Registration
9:00am Welcoming RemarksHis Excellency Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, Ambassador of 
 to the United StatesMr. Ernest Z. Bower, Senior Advisor and Sumitro Chair for 
Southeast Asia Studies, CSIS 9:15am, Convening Keynote Address 9:45am Keynote 
Address: "The Indonesian Perspective of the Indo-Pacific"
His Excellency Dr. R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa, Minister of Foreign Affairs, 
Introduction by Mr. Joseph Yun, Acting Assistant Secretary of East Asian and 
Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State 10:30am Panel Discussion and Q&A
Moderator: Mr. Ernest Z. Bower, Senior Advisor and Sumitro Chair for Southeast 
Asia Studies, CSIS
His Excellency Ashok Kumar Mirpuri, Ambassador of Singapore to the United States
Mr. Endy Bayuni, Senior Editor, Jakarta Post
The Honorable Kurt Campbell, Chairman and CEO, The Asia Group [invited]
The Honorable J. Stapleton Roy, Former U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia and 
Director of Kissinger Institute for Chinese-U.S. Studies, Woodrow Wilson 
International Center 11:30am Luncheon 11:50am Keynote Remarks:  "Strengthening 
the Trade and Investment Relationship"
Mr. Hashim Djojohadikusumo, Chairman, Arsari Djojohadikusumo Foundation 
The Honorable Airlangga Hartarto, Chairman of Commission VI, Indonesia House of 
Representatives [invited]
Dr. Raden Pardede,
 Chairman, Asset Management Company [invited] 12:45pm Panel Discussion and Q&A
Moderator:  Mr. Murray Hiebert, Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, Sumitro 
Chair for Southeast Asia Studies, CSIS
Dr. Douglas Ramage, Chairman for Trade & Investment Committee, American Chamber 
of Commerce in Indonesia
The Honorable Patricia M. Loui, Member of the Board of Directors, Export-Import 
Bank of the United States
Mr. John Riady, Chairman, KIKAS-KADIN 1:45pm Refreshment Break 2:00pm Keynote 
Remarks:  "Building Security Partnerships in Asia"
His Excellency Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Minister of Defense, Indonesia [via video 
Admiral Dennis Blair, Former Director of National Intelligence and former 
Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Command [invited] 2:45pm Panel Discussion and 
Moderator: Ms. Bonnie S. Glaser, Senior Advisor for Asia, Freeman Chair in 
China Studies and Senior Associate, Pacific Forum, CSIS [invited]
Mr. Vikram J. Singh, Deputy
 Assistant Secretary of Defense for South and Southeast Asia, U.S. Department 
of Defense 
Lieutenant General Budiman, Former Vice Chief Staff, Indonesian National Armed 
Forces [invited] 
Mr. Bambang Harymurti, Editor-in-Chief, Tempo
The Honorable Hayono Isman, Member of Commission I, People's Legislative 
Mr. Stanley Roth, Vice President of International Government Relations, Boeing 
[invited] 3:45pm Refreshment Break 4:00pm Panel Discussion and Q&A: "Defining a 
21st Century Partnership"
Introduction: The Honorable Cameron Hume, Ambassador (ret.)
Moderator:  Mr. Ted Osius, Senior State Department Visiting Fellow, CSIS
The Honorable Henrietta Holsman-Fore, Former Administrator, USAID [invited]
Dr. Anies Baswedan, President, Paramadina University [invited]
Mr. Al Jaeger, Vice Rector International, Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional
 [invited] 5:15pm Conference Closes

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