Sanak di lapau,
Sekedar ota2 manjalang sahur, iko ado artikel mengenai benua Atlantis nan 
ilang, nan disabuik2 dek Plato. Kecek peneltian terakhir dari ilmuwan Brazil 
mungkin maarah2 ka Gunuang Marapi. Mungkin rang Minang siso2 manusia Atlantis 
nan ilang ko ndak? Dek urang Minang ko cadiak bana.
If the lost Atlantis continent was found – and proven not to be a myth, we 
might record the discovery as one of the most significant in mankind’s history.
No wonder then, that for over two millenniums, many scholars and scientists 
have devoted their lives to uncovering this mystery Greek philosopher Plato 
alluded to in 355 B.C., all seeking the truth about this sunken superior 
civilization, including its exact location.
Brazilian scientist Arysio Nunes dos Santos is one of these devotees. For more 
than 30 years, the late nuclear physics professor carried out his research 
encompassing geology, archeology, ethnology, paleontology, linguistics, 
astronomy and comparative mythology. Nothing special about his 
multi-disciplinary approach — except that he came up with a shocking 
conclusion: Indonesia is the heart of Atlantis.   
[kon namuah tobo sakali lai ko ndak?. Ngari awak [citak itam dari awak]
The story of Atlantis was mentioned in Plato’s writings Timaeus and Critias. 
The philosopher described Atlantians — amounting to around 20 million people — 
as geniuses, and a wealthy, wise as well as powerful people. They mastered 
maritime culture and commerce, sports and all kinds of arts – dance and music. 
When Atlantians became corrupt and greedy, the gods destroyed them. In 9600 
B.C. or around 11,600 years ago, an earthquake shook the continent, with giant 
waves rolling over the seashores, causing the island to sink – in just one day. 

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