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About Jusfiq Hadjar



Brief CV of Jusfiq Hadjar

Jusfiq Hadjar, a christian, 67 years old, is an Indonesian living in

the Netherlands. He currently lives together out of wed-lock with

Marlene Van Doorn - a documentalist in African Studies Center (ASC)

library - in Leiden.

Jusfiq Hadjar has, thus far, succesfully deceived many NGOs into

believing that he is a human rights activistist. One of the NGOs that

has been trapped in his lies is a Muslim human rights group, the

Movement against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples.

Jusfiq Hadjar is very active in his campaigns against Islam and

Muslims on the Internet, especially in several Indonesian mailing

lists. He will spread massive amounts of offensive, slanderous, lying

statements against Islam and Muslims day in and day out and at the

same time claiming that he is a Muslim.

Undoubtedly, Jusfiq Hadjar is one of those people who still thinks

that adhering to a daily routine of cursing and swearing on the

Internet would help to make him look intelligent and preserve his

sanity. It shoots no wonder then if you find mosts of his writings on

the Internet are just about cursing and swearing at Muslims and

licking the ass of his christian friends.

Jusfiq Hadjar has joined several mailing lists in order to spread his

severe hatred against Islam and Muslim on the Internet:

Marlene Van Doorn is very supportive of his life partner's evil

activities on the Internet, and gives her financial support by

providing him with meals, accomodation and Internet connection. He is

also allegedly financed by Leiden church.

He has no children.


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