Kok kandua rasonyo alun, pak Nof. Galinggaman iyo. Kadipangaan lai. Dikritik 
alah. Dielok-eloki alah. Dipuji alah pulo. Nan manggarik indak juo.

Saafroedin Bahar
(L, 71 th, Jakarta)
Alternate e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- On Wed, 7/23/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Cc: "Nuraini prapdanu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Rantau Net" 
Date: Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 9:50 AM

Mungkin Pak Ketum MAPPAS yg kito yakin punyo akses, bisa lgs bantu ambil action 
ke para petinggi di Sumbar. Mudah-mudahan kan lai alun kandua kan Pak Saaf...:) 

Tapi kok diforward langsuang artikel iko, lai kamangarati mereka dek baso 
inggirih ko eh...:)) Mudah-mudahan ambo salah.. Krn kalau mangarati tantu ado 
tindak lanjutnyo...

Mohon maaf sebelumnya. Trims infonyo Pak Saaf.


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from XL GPRS/EDGE/3G network

From: "Dr.Saafroedin BAHAR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 19:35:05 -0700 (PDT)
CC: Nuraini prapdanu<[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>; Zarnifa ASMARA<[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
co.id>; Ir. Indra ARINAL<[EMAIL PROTECTED] net>; Karo Human Pemprov 

Assalamualaikum w.w. para sanak pegiat wisata Sumatra Barat,
Saya 'forward' berita The Jakarta Post di bawah ini sebagai masukan untuk 
menyusun kebijakan pariwisata daerah Sumatera Barat dalam tahun-tahun mendatang.
Saya harapkan para sanak dapat mengambil langkah sehingga citra Sumatera Barat 
adalah lebih baik dari kondisi Indonesia pada umumnya.
Tolong di-'forward' email saya ini kepada prof Dr James Hellyward, Kepala Dinas 
Pariwisata Sumatera Barat. Kebetulan saya tidak memiliki alamat emaik beliau.
Terlebih dahulu terima kasih banyak.

Saafroedin Bahar
(L, 71 th, Jakarta)
Alternate e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] com

Poor hygiene weakens RI’ s tourism: Study
The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Mon, 03/10/2008 1:21 AM  |  Business 
The government will need to work extra hard to lure foreign visitors with this 
year's ambitious Visit Indonesia Year campaign, in the light of health and 
hygiene issues mentioned in a recent report. 
The report, issued March 4 by Switzerland- based World Economic Forum (WEF), 
cited Indonesia 's poor health and hygiene conditions and inadequate 
infrastructure as key disadvantages in attracting foreign visitors. 
WEF ranked Indonesia 80th among 130 countries in its Travel and Competitiveness 
Index 2008, lower than neighbors Singapore , Malaysia and Thailand . 
Last year, Indonesia ranked 60th among 124 countries studied. 
Indonesia's health facilities and hygiene received poor scores because of the 
country's low number of physicians (per capita), inadequate hospital beds, and 
poor access to improved sanitation and drinking water. 
As Southeast Asia's largest economy, Indonesia also received low scores for 
quality of tourism infrastructure, comprising hotel rooms, presence of major 
car rental firms and automatic teller machines accepting Visa cards. 
These problems were the main reasons for Indonesia 's fall in ranking, WEF 
Indonesia's edge in the competitiveness index related to competitive prices for 
goods and services, prioritization of travel and tourism spots, and the 
availability of qualified labor, the report said. 
The index was arranged based on data from the International Air Transport 
Association (IATA), the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the World Trade 
Organization (WTO), the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and the WEF's own 
survey on qualitative institutional and business environment issues. 
The index ranked Switzerland , Austria , Germany , Australia and Spain as the 
top five countries in the study (respectively) . 
As organizers of the high profile annual international business forum in Davos 
, Switzerland , the WEF is an independent international non-profit organization 
based in Geneva , Switzerland . 
The forum was first established in January 1971, when a group of European 
business leaders met under the patronage of the European Commission and 
European industrial associations. 
State Ministry of Culture and Tourism marketing director general Sapta 
Nirwandar told The Jakarta Post recently the government was in the process of 
improving tourism infrastructure, and making easier entry procedures for 
"We are still in the process of fixing everything. We are now increasing 
promotions and cultural events overseas, simplifying visa procedures and 
improving the quality of service and human resource professionalism, " he said. 
Last year, some 5.51 million foreign tourists visited the world's largest 
archipelago, up from 4.87 million in 2006, according to data from to the 
Central Statistics Agency. 
Singapore accounted for the largest number of visitors, with 1.46 million, 
followed by Malaysia (941,202), Japan (593,784), Australia (313,881), South 
Korea (423,098), China (335,172), Europe (528,171), and the United States 
(154,846), the agency reported. 
"We have many interesting places and cultures, but many of them don't have good 
infrastructure or facilities to accommodate visitors' needs," said Thamrin 
Bhiwana Bachri, an executive at the State Ministry for Culture and Tourism. 
"The facilities will include convenient hotels, clean public toilets, 
well-managed airports, and easy access to tourist attractions, " he said. 
For 2008, Indonesia has targeted to net seven million foreign visitors under 
the Visit Indonesia Year campaign funded by the State Ministry of Culture and 
Sapta said, however, the figure was still far less than Singapore or Malaysia, 
which were targeting to this year lure some 10.2 million and 20.7 million 
foreign visitors respectively. (rff) 
The 2008 Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index 
Rank Country Score (1-7 scale) 1 Switzerland 5.63 2 Austria 5.43 3 Germany 5.41 
4 Australia 5.34 5 Spain 5.30 6 United Kingdom 5.28 7 United States 5.28 8 
Sweden 5.27 9 Canada 5.26 10 France 5.23 16 Singapore 5.06 32 Malaysia 4.63 42 
Thailand 4.37 80 Indonesia 3.70 81 Philippines 3.70 96 Vietnam 3.57 112 
Cambodia 3.32 
Indonesia's travel & tourism indicators (2007) 
GDP (US$ millions) 10,167 Employment (1,000 jobs) 1,981 
(Source: The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2008; World Economic 
Comments (13)  |   Post comment 
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Pete Driscoll (not verified) — Sat, 07/19/2008 - 7:44am
Scrap the VISA Charge and I will go back to Indonesia , until then, I will 
spend my money in other SEA countries where there is no visa charge for 
Critical Observer (not verified) — Sat, 06/21/2008 - 9:35pm
To those wondering about the lack of tissue in Indo toilets... The same is 
phenomenon is prevalent also in all sorts of eateries etc., in a word, in all 
the public places... As for the reasons, we can only guess. Wanting to avoid 
producing excess waste doesn't seem probable as the local population seemingly 
couldn't care less about such issues as damaging the environment by littering. 
How about thievery then? It's not unconceivable that if tissue was indeed made 
available, all of it would be gone within 3 minutes, such is the nature of the 
good folks of Nusantara (or actually, good folks of Jawa, as more distant 
corners of the archipelago produce more decent types).
Malaysian tourist (not verified) — Wed, 06/04/2008 - 7:19pm
I found that Indonesia has a lot of attraction and places that it can exploit 
as a magnet to attract various kind of tourists be it from the west, middle 
east and Asean. Only a few countries in this world that can offer such 
attraction. For the last 3 years I managed to visit West Kalimantan , Riau and 
Java. The journey that I took from Bali to Jakarta by train and bus was the 
most rewarding. To me the beauty of Indonesia lies on its people. Except few 
people in the cities like in Surabaya and Jakarta , Indonesia ’s rural folks 
are more friendly and helpful where ever I went.
As a tourist, I could tolerate missing few luxuries that I left back home. 
Beside the bumpy road from East to Central Java , the beauty of its surrounding 
made me forget the pain at my butt. I will still comeback to visit Indonesia 
next time for my yearly holiday.
L Larsen (not verified) — Tue, 06/03/2008 - 4:56am
Away to go visit Indonesia you must bring your own toilet tissue to clean your 
BUTT, LOL!!. This is third world country....
The Reader (not verified) — Sun, 05/18/2008 - 6:24pm
I recently visited Indonesia and found it a great experience. Will visit again 
in the near future from Australia . I didn't have a probelem with anything 
people very gentle and very friendly and helpful.
Sw3et (not verified) — Thu, 05/08/2008 - 3:56pm
The sanitation in Indonesia is really poor. Wherever you go you will see a 
bunch of rubbish. A rubbish that have been thrown from the citizens itself. 
Discipline is a really must and good leadership of the Chief of sanitation.. 
Wake up wake up wake up!!!!!!!!
The Reader (not verified) — Fri, 04/25/2008 - 6:46am
watch your mouth shakeel rana.
Shakeel Rana (not verified) — Sat, 03/29/2008 - 12:22pm
stupid traffic system..dancing like monkeys, singing like donkeys, shamless 
culture, mentally slave nation, every department in corruption.. ..
ladies and gentlemen .. this is all u find in indonesia ..
The Reader (not verified) — Sat, 03/22/2008 - 11:53am
this country is simply bullshit
Jeko (not verified) — Sat, 03/22/2008 - 1:25am
Well...well. ..well... wakey wakey government.. otherwise you just dreaming to 
get more tourist!!!
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