By Lucy Hornby 
Tue Aug 5, 4:46 AM ET
BEIJING (Reuters) - August 8 promises to be a lucky day for Liu 
Chuan who is getting married and has a ticket for the opening 
ceremony of the Olympic Games. 

Liu and his bride will join thousands of Chinese couples queuing at 
the marriage registry on Friday, an auspicious day for weddings and 
births because of the number 8, which symbolizes wealth in Chinese.

August 8 is also China's big day, when the Olympic Games open in 
Beijing. Organizers added an extra eight for good measure by 
scheduling the opening ceremony for 8 p.m. "Chinese are partial to 
the number 8, and Friday is three 8s in a row - the eighth day of 
the eighth month, 2008. Also, we picked it because of the Olympics," 
said Liu, a Beijing resident. "I got a ticket for the opening 
ceremony that night, but it was only possible to get one, so I will 
go to the Bird's Nest (stadium) and my fiancee will watch it on TV 
at home."

So many couples are planning to tie the knot on August 8 that 
Beijing's marriage registries set up an online service for couples 
to file paperwork in advance and speed up the process. An estimated 
9,000 couples in Beijing alone will get their marriage certificates 
that day.

(Editing by Keith Weir)

Tapi di Itali kabanyo Angko 13 adolah Angko Bahagia.
Bahagia 13, bukan Celaka 13...

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Syofiardi BachyulJb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Angko bisa dijadikan simbol kampanye untuk pangingek ka urang 
banyak. Tapi angko juo bisa mangajak masyarakat ka kakufuran bantuak 
angko 13. Langkah nan ditantang aktivis PKS, kalau indak salah 
tangkok, dulunyo.
> Salam,
> Syof (38)

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