Assallamualaikum MakNgah, Sanak Anggun dan Mamak di Palanta,

Tarimo kasih MakNgah nan lah maingek-an'hati-hati' mamakai kato hxxxxx
karano iko adolah
SARA untuak urang lain, dan diskusi kito di pantau rang lain

karano topik, martrilineal, marantau dan minang sangat menarik untuak
kito "kaji" labiah dalam dari saisuak sampai kini 'nan lah sato
marubah wajah dunia'

judul hxxx dari sanak Anggun,  ambo kisa ka 'santiang santiang'  :)

Dulu Inyiak ambo panah bacarito, urang awak ko santiang santiang,
marantau ka sabalik dunia, agaknyo nan sabandiang iyo  yahudi , rang
cino dan rang india,  dalam urusan  marantau  dan  dalam ‘caro
bapikia’  untuak caro iduik (survive) dan mancari pitih
pasan Inyiak  ko salalu mangiang di talingo, baa mambuktikanyo..karano
urang Minang lah ado Marantau di Sabalik Dunia dan banyak nan di
tingga kampuang,
jiko pai Marantau
Nan indak bisa dilupokan adalah Ranah Tacinto dan Katurunan garih ibu

Tanpa disadari …Jadi kito  lah lamo sato lo marubah Salero dunia
rumah makan Padang nan ado ateh bumi

Ateh bantuan Nyiak Google kito bisa mancigok korelasi Minang jo suku
lain di dunia.
tamasuak jo yahudi , cino, india, arab, etc

Agaknyo iko nan agak menarik :

Ciek (Aso) :
Matrilineality is a system in which one belongs to one's mother's
lineage; it may also involve the inheritance of property or titles
through the female line.
In matrilineal culture such as the one in Minangkabau Sumatra, the
clan name of the kids from the family is considered the same clan like
his or her mother.

But there is interesting case right now regarding this unique culture
only and only applied by minangkabau ethnic in sumatra and negeri
sembilan in malaysia.
since a lot of indonesian right now imitate the use of single last
name in family as what valid in western culture that's also happened
in minangkabau family.

another case when i type matrilineal in online enciyclopedya, it will
always give the return about jewishnes?! -sure . i read it and found
out jewish also apply matrileneal system just like minangkabau folk.
you are jewish according to ortodhok jew if your mother is jew.

Untuak kajian nan lain bisa cigok lo disiko :

Dr.Sheikh Muszaphar astronaut Minang dari ranah subarang

Tigo :
The name "Minangkabau" reflects their clever intellect. Minangkabau
literally means "victorious water buffalo". According to legend, an
army from Jawa long ago invaded West Sumatera. Realizing they were
outnumbered, the local leaders challenged the invaders to a contest
between water buffaloes. The local leaders chose a small calf and then
starved it. When the calf mistakenly sought to nurse from the huge
Jawa bull, a knife attached to the calf's snout sliced the bull open.
>From that time on, the water buffalo has endured as a symbol of the
Minangkabau and is still evident in their ethnic myths, culture, and
architecture. The roofs of traditional Minang homes and buildings are
shaped in the form of buffalo horns.In the past, the Minangkabau
homeland consisted of many small villages (nagari) run by a village
chief (penghulu) and a council of leaders. Each village managed its
own affairs with minimal interference from the Minangkabau kings and
nobles. The Minangkabau are very proud of their culture and
traditions. In their culture, the family name and inheritance is
passed down from mother to daughter (matrilineal). Historically, in
the home, primary responsibility has been in the hands of the uncle
(mother's brother) called the ninik mamak. He must take care of his
nieces and nephews as well as supervise everything that relates to
family inheritance. However, today the role of the uncle is decreasing
because more and more Minangkabau families are following the more
universal pattern of the father leading the household. This change is
most clearly seen among Minangkabau families who are living outside
the province. Other than the restaurant business, the Minangkabau are
also famous for their skill in retail business. They often sell
clothes and jewelry.

Kalau nak ka mancaliak peta marantau dan dan kajian nan lain bisa
cigok disiko:

Sakitu dulu,
Wassallam dan mohon maaf


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