Iyo tu Ngku...

kok sarobok paja tu kito sidang basamo, bilo paralu kito duduakkan di 
palanta ko kito basuah dulu, ndak dapek paja tu, mamak e kito basuha, 
baa gak tu dek ngku Saaf tu...,

Dr.Saafroedin BAHAR wrote:
> Baa ko ha ? Alah dibayiakan urang ka Japang, dapek gaji tinggi -- Rp 
> 800 juta satahun atau labiah dari Rp 60 juta sabulan --   eee katiko 
> ado nan manawarkan gaji labiah tinggi malucuih sajo inyo pai. Sia 
> namonyo  cingkahak tu ? Kamanakan sia tu ?
> Kini, urang Japang bana-bana alah kapok ka SALURUAH urang awak, nan 
> nampaknyo sabana taguah mempraktekkan pepatah 'janji biaso mungkia' 
> dan 'kok janji ka ditapeki, dima pulo cadiak ka paguno'. Akibatnyo, 
> urang indak picayo lai ka kito.
> Ondeeh mak ! Baa mamelokinyo lai ko ha. 
> Apo indak paralu dijaniahkan baliak apo norma moral dan etika nan kito 
> pacik berdasar ABS SBK  ?
> Wassalam,
> Saafroedin Bahar
> (L, masuk 72 th, Jakarta)
> Alternate e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> *Kompas, Monday, October 20, 2008 **9:20 AM***
> *Be a member & get the benefits!* Register 
> <http://www.thejakartapost.com/user/register> or login 
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> *Japan bans workers from West Sumatra*
> *The Jakarta Post* ,  Jakarta   |  Wed, 10/15/2008 6:39 PM  |  National
> The Japanese government has banned Indonesian workers coming from West 
> Sumatra from working in any company in that country, an official said.
> Head of West Sumatra Manpower and Transmigration Department, Zul Evi 
> Astar, said in Padang the decision was prompted by an incident 
> involving immigrant workers from Indonesia and a certain company in Japan.
> Zul said the workers had violated their contracts when they resigned 
> from the company that had brought them, then moved to another company 
> under the enticement of higher pay, which local authorities deemed an 
> outrageous justification.
> "The incident only involved a few immigrant workers, but the impact 
> will cause many to suffer, especially those wanting to work in that 
> country," Zul said, as quoted by /Kompas.com/ Wednesday noon.
> He said Japanese culture was famous for its work discipline and the 
> Japanese government found such behavior unacceptable.
> "They notified us through the Ministry of Manpower and 
> Transmigration," Zul said while adding the parents of the immigrant 
> workers were demanding the companies involved pay them compensation.
> Zul regretted the incident saying that working in Japan would serve as 
> a good working experience where standard pay levels reach Rp 800 
> million (US$81,600) a year. (and)

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