Dear Dunsanaks,

Hanya testing blog ambo..........................

Due to the absence of the Herbarium in Wallacea region, Some botanist including 
Prof. Dr. Stephan Robbert Gradstein, Prof. Christoph Leuschner, Prof. Edi 
Guhardja, Dr. Sri Tjitrosudirdjo and Dr. Ramadanil Pitopang were initiated to 
establish a Herbarium in Sulawesi. The Herbarium Celebense (CEB) was build at 
the Tadulako University of Palu in 2000. The establisment of the Herbarium was 
supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the framework of the 
STORMA Project (Stability of Rainforest Margins) with the technical supported 
by Herbarium Bogoriense (BO) and Nationaal Herbarium of Netherland, Leiden (L) 
and the Herbarium of the University of Gottingen (GOET). 

The Herbarium has been registered in the International Index Herbariorum (New 
York) with the abbreviation CEB. Thus far, more than 10.000 dried plant 
specimens are kept at the Herbarium Celebense . Herbarium collections are 
mainly consisting of: spermatophytes, rattan, fern, mosses and Lichenes. The 
herbarium also houses the types three (3) specimens new species described from 
Sulawesi (in the genera Artabotrys, Nepenthes and Begonia ) and several 
Artifacts of Ethnobotany are mainly from Tao Taa Wana Ethnics in Morowali 
Nature Reserve.

Selanjutnya di

Ramadanil Pitopang
Palu-45 tahun, Pria

--- Pada Rab, 25/2/09, hambociek <> menulis:

> Dari: hambociek <>
> Topik: Re: Bls: [...@ntau-net] anggota DPRD Kota Pariaman tertangkap bawa sabu
> Kepada:
> Tanggal: Rabu, 25 Februari, 2009, 1:10 PM
> Lihat berita Harian Singgalang di 
> --- In,
> yurpino wahid sinaro
> <wahid_p...@...> wrote:
> >
> > Bialah nak dilantak waba wee, baru taraso dek wee
> lalok di hotel
> prodeo bintang -7
> > 
> > 

      Coba Yahoo! Messenger 9.0 baru. Akhirnya datang juga!

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