Assalamualaikum w.w. para sanak sa palanta,
Menurut penglihatan saya, Amerika Serikat memasuki era baru dengan terpilihnya 
Barack Obama menjadi presiden. Latar belakang budaya dari kepribadiannya yang 
beragam, visinya yang jernih, kecerdasannya yang mengagumkan, serta kemampuan 
komunikasinya yang andal menyebabkan ia merupakan tokoh yang tepat untuk 
memimpin Amerika Serikat, dan melalui Amerika Serikat, mempengaruhi jalannya 
sejarah dunia.
Di bawah ini saya kutipkan intisari pidatonya di depan Parlemen Turki, sebagai 
salah satu negara yang mempunyai penduduk yang beragama Islam dalam jumlah yang 
besar. Kebijakan Obama terhadap Islam jelas sekali terlihat dalam pidatonya ini.
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.
Saafroedin Bahar
(L, masuk 72 th, Jakarta; Tanjuang, Soetan Madjolelo; Lagan, Kampuang Dalam, 
"Basuku ka Ibu; banasab ka Bapak; basako ka Mamak" 
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Obama to Muslim world: No US war with Islam
AP – President Barack Obama addresses the Turkish parliament in Ankara, Turkey, 
Monday, April 6, 2009. Obama …
By TOM RAUM and JENNIFER LOVEN, Associated Press Writers – 53 mins ago
ANKARA, Turkey – Declaring the U.S. "is not and never will be at war with 
Islam," President Barack Obama worked Monday to mend frayed ties with NATO ally 
Turkey and improve relations with the larger Muslim world.
Obama acknowledged still-raw tensions over the Iraq war but said Muslims 
worldwide have little in common with terrorists such as al-Qaida and have much 
to gain in opposing them. Reaching out, he also spoke of Muslim connections in 
his own background.
"We seek broader engagement based upon mutual interest and mutual respect," 
Obama said in a speech to Turkey's Parliament.
It was his first visit to a predominantly Islamic nation as president, and he 
struck a balance between extending a hand to Muslims in general and discussing 
Turkey's central role in helping to bring stability to a post-war Iraq and the 
wider Middle East.
"Our partnership with the Muslim world is critical, not just in rolling back 
the violent ideologies that people of all faiths reject but also to strengthen 
opportunity for all its people," he said. He portrayed terrorist groups such as 
al-Qaida as extremists far removed from the vast majority of Muslims.
Turkey has NATO's largest Army after the U.S., but relations between the two 
countries soured after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which the Turks opposed. 
Turkey barred U.S. forces from going through its country to attack Iraq.
Now, however, since Obama is withdrawing troops, Turkey has become more 
Sharing parts of its southern border with Iraq, Turkey's role in maintaining 
security will be pivotal after U.S. combat troops are gone, despite the Turks' 
lingering problems with Kurdish militants in northern Iraq.. Turkey also has 
important leverage with both Afghanistan and Pakistan and has served as a 
broker between Israel and several Arab states.
"Turkey's greatness lies in your ability to be at the center of things. This is 
not where East and West divide — this is where they come together," Obama said.
He acknowledged hard feelings over Iraq. "I know that strain is shared in many 
places where the Muslim faith is practiced. So let me say this as clearly as I 
can: The United States is not and will never be at war with Islam."
Obama's visit was closely watched by an Islamic world that harbored deep 
distrust of his predecessor, George W. Bush.
Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya, two of the biggest Arabic satellite channels, 
carried his remarks live.
The president invoked his own heritage: "The United States has been enriched by 
Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their family, or have 
lived in a Muslim-majority country. I know, because I am one of them."
Obama's Kenyan father and grandfather were Muslims, and he spent time as a 
child in Indonesia, the country with the world's largest Muslim population.
The president spoke for about 25 minutes from a small white-marble-and-teak 
rostrum in the well of a vast, airy chamber packed with Turkish lawmakers in 
orange leather chairs.
Except for a few instances of polite applause, the room was quiet during his 
speech. There was a more hearty ovation toward the end when Obama said the U.S. 
supports the Turkish government's battle against the Kurdish rebel group PKK, 
which both nations consider a terrorist group, and again when he said America 
was not at war with Islam. Lawmakers also applauded when Obama said the United 
States supports Turkey's bid to join the European Union.
Ankara and Istanbul were the final scheduled stops on Obama's eight-day 
international tour. He began by attending the Group of 20 economic summit in 
London, then he celebrated NATO's 60th anniversary in Strasbourg, France, and 
visited the Czech Republic for a summit of European Union leaders.
Turkey is a member of both the G-20 and NATO and is trying to get into the EU 
with the help of the U.S. 
"Some people have asked me if I chose to continue my travels to Ankara and 
Istanbul to send a message," Obama said. "My answer is simple: Evet. Yes. 
Turkey is a critical ally. Turkey is an important part of Europe. And Turkey 
and the United States must stand together — and work together — to overcome the 
challenges of our time." 
Obama's strong support for Turkish membership in the EU, which he reiterated on 
Sunday at the meeting in Prague, has chagrined some U.S. allies, including 
France and Germany, which contend America has no say in the matter. 
Obama acknowledged the point, but said he was speaking "as a friend" of both 
Europe and Turkey. 
"Turkey is bound to Europe by more than bridges over the Bosporus. Centuries of 
shared history, culture and commerce bring you together," he said. "And Turkish 
membership would broaden and strengthen Europe's foundation once more." 
Obama began the day paying tribute to the memory of modern Turkey's founding 
father. "I'm honored to pay tribute to his name," Obama said at wreath-laying 
ceremony during a morning visit to the tomb of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. 
In his later remarks to Parliament, Obama said Ataturk's "greatest legacy is 
Turkey's strong and secular democracy, and that is the work that this assembly 
carries on today." 
He also met, separately, with President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep 
Tayyip Erdogan, 
In a news conference with Gul, Obama stood by his 2008 assertion that Ottoman 
Turks carried out widespread killings of Armenians early in the 20th century. 
But he stopped short of repeating the word "genocide" that he has used. 
"Well, my views are on the record and I have not changed views," Obama said. 
Historians estimate that up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman 
Turks in the years leading up to and during World War I, event viewed by many 
scholars as the first genocide of the 20th century. Turkey denies that the 
deaths constituted genocide, claiming the toll has been inflated and the 
casualties were victims of civil war and unrest. 
On the sidelines of a dinner Monday night, Obama huddled with the foreign 
ministers of Turkey, Armenia and Switzerland, said a senior White House 
official. Obama commended their efforts to bring about normalized 
Turkish-Armenian relations and urged them to complete the talks "with 
dispatch," the official said. 
In his speech to Parliament — formally the Turkish Grand National Assembly — 
Obama said, "History, unresolved, can be a heavy weight. Each country must work 
through its past. And reckoning with the past can help us seize a better 
"I say this as the president of a country that not too long ago made it hard 
for someone who looks like me to vote. But it is precisely that capacity to 
change that enriches our countries," said America's first black president. 
Turkey maintains a small military force in Afghanistan, part of the NATO 
contingent working with U.S. troops to beat back the resurgent Taliban and deny 
al-Qaida a safe haven along lawless stretches of the Afghan-Pakistan border. 
Turkey's participation carries enormous symbolic importance to the Muslim 
world. It has offered to help the U.S. train and support Afghan security 
In his news conference with Gul, Obama addressed the rift in U.S. and Turkish 
relations over Iraq. "I do not think they ever deteriorated so far that we 
ceased to be friends and allies. What I hope to do is build on what is already 
a strong foundation," he said.

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