Amob porowaikan email ko sakadar untuak dimaklumi basamo. Mudah-mudahan daerah 
lain saroman Pantai Timur mangikutipulo mamampangkan Islam gaang-gdang 

--- On Wed, 9/9/09, ICNA SF Bay Area <> wrote:

From: ICNA SF Bay Area <>
Subject: Islam on the Freeways!!!
Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 6:07 PM





First time in the Bay Area
Islam Billboard Ad Campaign



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

 "Who is better in speech than one who calls (men) to Allah, works 
righteousness, and says, 'I am of those who bow in Islam'". Al-Quran 41:33 
WhyIslam Billboard & Bus Shelter Dawah Ad Campaign

Coinciding with Ramadan, the campaign started late August in the South and East 
Bay with ads on 7 billboards and 5 bus transit shelters. A toll free number, 
1-877-WhyIslam, and the website are posted for interested viewers to call and 
obtain more information.

Now it is time to invest in our future and the future of our children. A future 
where there is no place for hate, prejudice, discrimination or bigotry. We 
urgently need to raise funds to brighten this future and continue with the Ad 

 Earn Sadaqa Jariah 
(Continuous Reward) 
this Ramadan 

Ramadan Bus Ad Campaign in East Bay

 ICNA Bay Area Chapter, in coordination with Contra Costa County Islamic 
Centers is currently also running a Bus Ad Campaign, YOU DESERVE TO KNOW!, in 
the East Bay with ads on 35 CCCTA buses. 

 The goal of this project is to instill a sense of curiosity through a bus ad 
campaign thereby encouraging people to search for unbiased information on Islam 
and to promote understanding and dialogue between people of different faiths.
Click here for more information on the Ramadan Bus Ad Campaign in East Bay. 

ICNA San Francisco Bus Ad Campaign in Feb '09

 Reached out to 1.4 million people daily

 A similar dawah campaign with ads on 160 MUNI buses in San Francisco, earlier 
this year, was a great success - Alhamdulillah, with more than 800 calls 
received; more than 9 Shahadahs

 View media reports of the bus ad campaign here.

 Do your part in conveying the Message of Islam
Donate Online NOW!!!

WhyIslam is committed to convey the message of Islam to every citizen and 
eradicate misconceptions and stereotypes about Islam and Muslims. 

The WhyIslam Team
Islamic Circle of North America 
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter



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Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) - SF Bay Area | PO Box 1112 | Santa 
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