Terima kasih banyak Mak Ngah dan Sanak Ridha,
atas diskusi yang menarik ini, setelah berkali mengikuti ceramah agama ditempat 
yang berbeda dan ustaz yang berbeda pula " The last ten days" dan 1000 Night 
ini lah yang dominan disampaikan sang ustaz. dan tak satupun para ustaz yang 
kami tanya apa dia tahu ada orang yang pernah mendapatkan malam terbaik itu.
Semua menjawab Allah yang maha tahu.
Pada saat sanak Ridha memforward kata "diharamkan" itu saya terkejut ingin 
rasanya mencari cari di web tapi akhirnya saya batalkan dan memilih melupakan 
saja dari pada saya tambah bingung sendiri...
Untung ada Mak Ngah yang terus ingin berdikusi...

// ada kawan yahudi begitu mendengar ONE night is better than THOUSANDS months, 
langsung mendekat karena mereka kalau yang namanya untung besar tak boleh 
berlalu begitu saja// ... kutipan ceramah pak ustaz

Terima Kasih
Zulkarnain Kahar


From: sjamsir_sjarif <hamboc...@yahoo.com>
To: rantaunet@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:11:55 AM
Subject: [...@ntau-net] Lailatul Qadar

Terima kasih Angku Ridha membawakan sumber kalimat itu

"من حرمها فقد حرم الخير كله"

dari matan yang lebih lengkap:

إن هذا الشهر قد حضركم وفيه ليلة خير من ألف شهر من حرمها فقد حرم الخير
كله ولا يحرم خيرها إلا محروم


Saya coba cari image article (dalam tulisan arab itu) itu kalau ada dalam 
Bahasa Ingeris, tetapi tidak saya temukan.

Yang terdekat mengenai subject itu dalam link yang sama tetapi artikelnya tidak 
sama; sayangnya di dalamnya tidak ada quote kalimat yang diquote itu:

Saya copy & pastekan di sini, untuk tambahan bacaan teman-teman di Lapau.


The Last Ten Days

Here we are at one of the last stations, and it is time to work hard and 
strive. We are in the phases for "hurry" and "race" in order to make the best 
out of these special times. Do your best for the reward is magnificent and the 
frit deserves the hard work in order to obtain it. This fruit is Laylat al-Qadr.

Allah (SWT[1]) says what can be translated as, "And what will make you know 
what the night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is? The night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is better 
than a thousand months (i.e. worshipping Allah in that night is better than 
worshipping Him a thousand months, (i.e. 83 years and 4 months). Therein 
descend the angels and the Ruh [Jibrael (Gabriel)] by Allah's Permission with 
all Decrees. Peace! (All that night, there is Peace and Goodness from Allah to 
His believing slaves) until the appearance of dawn." [Al-Qadr 97, 2-5], {وَمَا 
أَدْرَاكَ مَا لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ ﴿٢﴾ لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ أَلْفِ 
شَهْرٍ ﴿٣﴾ تَنَزَّلُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ وَالرُّوحُ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِم مِّن 
كُلِّ أَمْرٍ ﴿٤﴾ سَلَامٌ هِيَ حَتَّىٰ مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ}, Transliteration: Wa
 Mā 'Adrāka Mā Laylatu Al-Qadri, Laylatu Al-Qadri Khayrun Min 'Alfi Shahrin, 
Tanazzalu Al-Malā'ikatu Wa Ar-Rūĥu Fīhā Bi'idhni Rabbihim Min Kulli 'Amrin, 
Salāmun Hiya Ĥattá Maţla`i Al-Fajri.

Abu-Musa al-Ash'ar (RA[2]) strived to a great extent before his death. He was 
told, "Why don't you take it easy on yourself a little?" He replied, "When 
horses are near the end line, they give their best." Hence, this great 
companion worked really hard and gave it all he has.

The Prophet (SAWS) used to pray during the night, wake up his family and strive 
harder than ever before during the last ten days of Ramadan. [Agreed Upon]

Ayesha (RA) said, "The Prophet (SAWS) worked harder during he last ten days 
than in any other time." [Reported by Muslim]

Advice for the ten days:

1- No sleep in the last ten days: The Prophet (SAWS) used to stay awake on 
those nights through night prayer.

2- Encourage your family to enjoin you in good deeds: In a hadith reported by 
Abi Dhir (RA), the Prophet (SAWS) lead them in prayer on the nights of the 23rd 
and 25th mentioned that he called his family and wives to the night of the 
twenty seventh especially. This proves that he made sure to wake them up to 
pray during a night suspected of being Laylat al-Qadr.

Sufian al-Thawry said: "The most favorite to me and closest to my heart when 
the last ten days are near is to pray at night and strive in it, to wake my 
family and children for prayer (if they are able to)."

3- Increase supplication on this night: The Prophet (SAWS) asked the mother of 
the believers Ayesha (RA) to make supplication on those nights.

Ayesha (RA) said to the Prophet (SAWS), "What do I say if it is indeed Laylat 

The Prophet (SAWS) said: «Say, `O Allah, You are oft-forgiving and love to 
forgive so forgive me».

Sufian al-Thawry said: "Supplication on such a night is more preferable to me 
than prayer. Increasing supplications is better than prayer in which one does 
not do excessive supplication. And if one reads then makes supplication, then 
that is fine too."

4- Purification of what is seen and what is hidden: Pious worshippers used to 
make ghusl (complete ablution) during each of the lat ten nights. There are 
many who also used to wear cologne on nights which they hoped to be Laylat 
al-Qadr. For indeed one needs to be in their best state on the outside and the 
inside, when supplicating to the Lord of the worlds.

5- Its night is like its morning, don't forget that. Many scholars stress the 
fact that the benefits of the morning of that day are just as great as those of 
its night time. It is important to note the need to continue good deeds and 
worship during the day as well.

The great scholar Imam as-Shafi'e said: "I prefer to strive during its day than 
its night. This necessitates doing the same through out the last ten days, 
striving equally during the day and at night."

6- Among the most honored acts of worship is to devote your self completely to 

Allah said in what can be translated as, "And remember the Name of your Lord 
and devote yourself to Him with a complete devotion. (He Alone is) the Lord of 
the east and the west, La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped 
but He). So take Him Alone as Wakil (Disposer of your affairs)." [al-Muzammel: 
8-9], {وَاذْكُرِ اسْمَ رَبِّكَ وَتَبَتَّلْ إِلَيْهِ تَبْتِيلًا ﴿٨﴾ رَّبُّ 
الْمَشْرِقِ وَالْمَغْرِبِ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ فَاتَّخِذْهُ وَكِيلًا}, 
Transliteration: Wa Adhkur Asma Rabbika Wa Tabattal 'Ilayhi Tabtīlāan, Rabbu 
Al-Mashriqi Wa Al-Maghribi Lā 'Ilāha 'Illā Huwa Fa Attakhidh/hu Wa Kīlāan.

So dedicate your heart wholly to Allah (SWT) with no arguments, discussion, 
idle talk, unnecessary intermingling. Turn off your phone, let go of your 
worries and forget your concerns. Dedicate yourself completely to Allah and 
enjoy worshipping and praying to him.

7- Sense your heart and watch your intention, for a person's intention is 
better than his/her deeds. So make your intention and dedicate yourself to 

8- Remember that your status will be set according to how hard you strive. Do 
not let a door for good deeds go closed. Commit yourself to the different types 
of obedience to Allah in order to make sure you do not get tired or bored of 
any particular one.

9- You must strive hard while being patient. It has been said that whoever 
wants to always be committee to the good deeds must wait for a long while.

10- Speak less. Count your words per day and at night. Whoever speaks little is 
more careful of their sayings and actions.

11- Remember that these are the time of races; so do not settle for coming 
last. Someone once said, "If a man hears of another who is more obedient, 
passing away out of grief is not too much."

Would you settle of being deprived of this?, Would you accept that other people 
win the forgiveness, pardon from the hell fire while their good deeds are 
multiplying?, Meanwhile, you are burdened by your sins. Do not accept this. Do 
not settle down for this, instead opt for racing towards Allah's mercy and 

12- Have faith in Allah. If you miss something, turn around and try to make up 
for it. If you have true faith in Allah, you will indeed love Him dearly. Oh 
Lord, we ask you to bless us with Your love and the love of those who love You. 
We ask you to bless us with deeds which bring us close to Your love.

13- Perform some of your acts of worship in secret, with not witness to is but 
Allah. This will bring you closer to true sincerity.

The Prophet (SAWS) said, «The voluntary prayer of a man where people can not 
see him is equivalent to twenty give of public prayers» [Reported by Ya'la and 
reviewed by al-Albany].

14- Combine the quantity and quality.... We want magnificent deeds the like of 
which you have never accomplished before in your life. This year, you will 
accomplish them... Yes, indeed you will. This is the true sign of your 
sincerity in seeking the pleasure of Allah and His bountiful blessings. You 
will never settle for anything less than that. You must do the best you can.

Source: The night of decree and the last ten days in Ramadan

By: Shiekh Hany Helmy

[1] SWT: Suhanahu wa Ta'ala [Glorified and Exalted Be He].

[2] RA: Radya Allah anhu/anha [May Allah be pleased with him/her].

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