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Bagi yang minat mp3 lagu-lagu Sami Yusuf & Cat Steven (Yusuf Islam).

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Roni <>  --
+207969  -- Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Batam --Indonesia


berikut contoh lagu lirik lagunya:

1. Allahu

Allahu Allahu Allahu
Allahu Allahu Allahu
Truly He is the One
He has no father or son
Everything in creation was by Him begun
With His infinite power anything could be done
Ask Allah for His Pardon
And you'll enter the Garden

Before Him there were none
Of partners He has none
He knows what is apparent and what is hidden
All the fate of creation has already been written
His Will is always done
And can never be undone

>From amongst all humans
Muhammad was chosen
He was illiterate and he was an orphan
Yet Allah sent him to those who were pagans
Oh Allah let us drink
>From his hand in the fountain

Ya Allah You're the Sovereign
You're the Sultan of Sultans
Please protect me from Shaytan and all of his treason
Let him not with his whispers my iman ever weaken
My only wish in this life
Is to attain Your Pardon

2. Mother 
By : Sami Yusuf
Blessed is your face (Diberkahilah wajahmu)
Blessed is your name (diberkahilah namamu)
My beloved (Ibuku tercinta)
Blessed is your smile (Diberkahilah senyummu)
Which makes my soul want to fly (yang membuat semangatku bangkit)
My beloved (ibuku tercinta)
All the nights (setiap malam)
And all the times (dan setiap saat)
That you cared for me (kau selalu mengasuhku)
But I never realised it (tapi ku tak pernah menyadari)
And now it's too late (dan kini terlambat sudah)
Forgive me (ampuni aku)
Now I'm alone filled with so much shame (kini ku sendiri sangat diliputi
rasa malu)
For all the years I caused you pain (selama bertahun-tahun membuat
hatimu pedih)
If only I could sleep in your arms again (jikapun ku bisa tidur dalam
Mother I'm lost without you (ibu, ku kehilangan tanpamu)
You were the sun that brightened my day (Kau mentari yang menyinari
Now who's going to wipe my tears away (kini siapa lagi yang akan
menghapus air mataku)
If only I knew what I know today (jikapun kutahu apa yang kutahu
Mother I'm lost without you (ibu.. ku tersesat tanpamu)
Ummahu, ummahu, ya ummi (ibu.. ibu.. wahai ibuku)
wa shawqahu ila luqyaki ya ummi (berapa lama aku sempat meenjumpaimu,
wahai ibuku)
Ummuka, ummuka, ummuka ummuka (ibumu, ibumu.. ibumu ibumu)
Qawlu rasulika (sabda Rasulmu)
Fi qalbi, fi hulumi (didalam hatiku, didalam mimpiku)
Anti ma'i ya ummi (kau selalu bersamaku, ibu..)
(Mother... Mother... O my mother
How I long to see O mother
"Your mother, Your mother, Your mother"
Is the saying of your Prophet
In my heart, in my dreams
You are always with me mother)
Ruhti wa taraktini (Kau tlah pergi tinggalkanku)
Ya nura 'aynayya (wahai cahaya mataku)
Ya unsa layli (wahai pelipur malamku)
Ruhti wa taraktini (kau tlah pergi tinggalkanku)
Man siwaki yahdhununi (siapa lagi selainmu yang akan memelukku)
Man siwaki yasturuni (siapa lagi selainmu yg akan menyelimutiku)
Man siwaki yahrusuni (siapa lagi selainmu yg akan menjagaku)
'Afwaki ummi (maafmu ibu, 
Samihini... maafkan aku)
(You went and left me
O light of my eyes
O comfort of my nights
You went and left me
Who, other than you, will embrace me?
Who, other than you, will cover me?
Who, other than you, will guard over me?
Your pardon mother, forgive me)



Lagu2 Cat Steven

Your mother 


By : Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam)


(Teacher): The Prophet Muhammad (sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam) told us
that we must obey Allah and His messenger at all times. But who else did
he tell us to listen to, and be close to? 

(Children): My Mother! 

Who should you give your love to? (kepada siapa harusnya kau berikan
Your respect and your honour to? (juga penghormatan dan penghargaanmu?)
Who should you pay good mind to - after Allah, (Kepada siapa harusnya
persangkaan baik kau berikan -sesudah Allah)
And Rasullullah? (dan Rasululillah)
Comes your Mother, (ke ibumu)
Who next? Your Mother (siapa lagi? Ibumu)
Who next? Your Mother (siapa lagi? Ibumu)
And then you Father (baru ibumu)

Cause who used to hold you (sebab siapa yang dijadikan untuk
And clean you and clothe you? (dan membersihkan dan memberi pakaian
Who used to feed you  (siapa yang dijadikan untuk memberi makan padamu)
And always be with you? (dan selalu bersama dg mu?)
When you were sick, stay up all night, (kala kau sakit. Menjagamu tiap
Holding you tight? (menggendongmu dg erat?)
Thats right no other, your Mother (maka tiada lain, ialah ibumu)

Who should you take good care of, (Siapa yang harus kau rawat)
Giving all your love?  (dan berikan semua cintamu?)
Who should you think the most of - after Allah  (siapa yang harus kau
banyak pikirkan-sesudah Allah)
And Rasullullah? (dan Rasulullah)
Comes your Mother, (berikutnya adalah ibumu)
Who next? Your Mother (siapa lagi? Ibumu juga)
Who next? Your Mother (siapa lagi? ,masih Ibumu)
And then you Father (kemudian baru ayahmu)

Cause who used to hear you (sebab siapa yang dijadikan utk
Before you could talk? (sebelum kau bisa bicara?)
Who used to hold you (siapa yang dijadikan untuk memegangmu)
Before you could walk? (sebelum kau bisa berjalan?)
And when you fell, whod pick you up? (dan ketika kau jatuh, siapa yang
Clean your cut? (membersihkan lukamu?)
No one but, your Mother, your Mother (tiada lain selain ibumu, ibumu)

Who should you stay right close to? (siapa yang harus kau jaga tetap
dekat padamu?)
Listen most to? (paling banyak kau dengarkan?)
Never say no to after Allah (tak pernah berkata "tidak" -sesudah Allah)
And Rasullullah? (dan rasulullah)
Comes your Mother, (adalah ibumu)
Who next? Your Mother 
Who next? Your Mother 
And then you Father 

Cause who used to hug you (sebab siapa yang dijadikan utk merangkulmu)
And buy you new clothes? (dan membelikan pakaian baru utk mu?)
Comb your hair and blow your nose? (menyisirkan rambutmu, dan meniupkan
And when you cried who wiped your tears? (dan ketika kau menangis, siapa
yang menghapus air matamu?)
Knows your fears? Who really cares? (yang mengtahui ketakutanmu?
Siapakah yang benar2 mengasuh?)
Your Mother (adalah ibumu)

Say Alhamdulillah, (katakana Alhamdulillah, segala puji bg Allah)
Thank you Allah (makasih ya Allah)
Thank You Allah for my Mother (makasih ya Allah karena Kau tlah
anugrahkan seorang ibu padaku)




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