Dunsanak di palanta, mungkin pesan iko bisa maingekkan manjago kesehatan
kito masing masing.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: 2011/6/21
Subject: [alumnifkgugm] Wanna be clean and fresh
To: "" <>, "" <>

Ini juga hasil kulakan dr "Nike"

Selama ini yang menggaung di sekitar perihal kesehatan kita selalu
triglyceride, gula darah, dan asam urat.*
Ada hal lain yang tak kalah penting dalam mendukung kesehatan badan kita
yaitu detoksifikasi. Terutama untuk liver kita yang melakukan netralisasi
toxin yang masuk ke dalam badan yang berasal dari makanan, polusi udara, dan
zat kimia dari produk yang kita pakai sehari-hari.

*Detoksifikasi *akan mendorong kesempurnaan metabolisme dan tingkat energy
tubuh sehingga kita akan merasa bersih dan segar dari dalam tubuh.

Untuk jelasnya, baca risalah di bawah ini.

Stay healthy in longevity.

Your friend in fitness,

Helpful Hints to Get Started on a Healthy Program
Overall health, from supporting the body’s natural detoxification process to
promoting a strong metabolism, healthy energy levels and more, is greatly
benefitted by following a balanced lifestyle, including eating a healthy
diet, exercising regularly and getting adequate sleep.

Healthy habits combined with Detox Drops can make all the difference to
achieving complete well-being!

*1.* Start by drinking plenty of water (8 glasses a day) to help flush out
and hydrate your system, as well as promote water balance in the body.

*2.* Eating fruits and vegetables and the daily recommendation of fiber will
also aid in detoxification and help to naturally rejuvenate and regulate
your system. Eat especially

a.grapefruit. One of my favorite foods for detox is grapefruit. This is
because it binds to toxins and helps   flush them from your body. The secret
behind grapefruit is it contains a powerful antioxidant called narigenin
that helps reprogram your liver to melt excess fat, instead of storing it,

b.Garlic. Another cleansing food is garlic. Garlic helps boost the ability
of your white blood cells to fight the effects of toxins in your body. Three
cloves of fresh garlic per day should be enough for you to notice a
difference. If you don’t like the smell of garlic, you can get odorless aged
garlic supplements at any reputable health food store.

*3.* Never forget the power of physical exercise! Having a good workout will
induce sweating, which is a great way to promote cleansing and body
detoxification! In addition, regular moderate exercise will help to relax
you and will also encourage healthy sleep. Not to mention, increased body
movement improves both blood and lymph circulation, resulting in higher
energy levels and better overall health.

*4.* Make sure that you get enough sleep – this means both an adequate
quality and length of sleep. Sleep is one of the most important factors in
maintaining a strong body and energetic lifestyle.

*5.* A healthy mind leads to a healthy body.
Prolonged stress, anxiety and depression can also compromise the body’s
health. It is important to release and reduce stress and address any
underlying mental health issues.


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wajib mencantumkan sumber: ~dari Palanta R@ntauNet
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