On 06/11/11 14:02, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On 2011-11-04, Robert Burrell Donkin wrote:

I'm working on the trademark side ATM (and have been for the last
couple of months) but it's slow going. The revised approach to
branding and marks is likely to cause issues for "Apache Rat" TLP :-/

I don't see why RAT should be treated differently from the other
podlings that went to TLP status.

The Incubator isn't very clueful with trademarks ATM but Apache is now under serious pressure to catch up very fast and is changing fast...

Nor do I see why "Apache RAT" would
cause more trademark issues than any other TLP we have.  What is the
problem you expect?

"Apache Rat" was accepted as a name even though "Rat" is already very widely used in software. I'm reasonably sure that "Rat" will fail the new check. No need to rename the rat as a product but may need to select an alternative TOP name and then run it through the process. Not a big issue but likely to take a few weeks to resolve :-/


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