On 01/17/12 23:11, David Blevins wrote:

On Jan 17, 2012, at 9:57 AM, Robert Burrell Donkin wrote:

On 01/11/12 06:25, David Blevins wrote:


If someone already setup to build the various sites gives it a whirl that'd be 
Maybe the primary person(s) of each subproject can give it a whirl.  We 
probably just need the main rat content in there to switch
over fully to the CMS.  The rest can come as people get free time.

Fairly straightforward svn add/ci.  Just need to 'svn add' the content in these 


We could add the docs subdirs and the redirects leaving the parent dir empty, 
but certainly we don't need that for any CMS reasons.
It'll be happy either way.

I've tried using the Maven site deployment provider for subversion but hit what 
looks like a bug in Maven :-/

The workaround I've used elsewhere for sites in subversion is fiddly: checkout, 
use a staging build then commit the results. Not sure this is better than 
getting Maven to upload to a new location on the server and using http 

The CMS is 100% svn backed, so there's no option to bypass the commit and send 
redirects to a non-svn backed location.  Well you can, just that non-svn backed 
location would be on a different server.

On the OpenEJB side, we've experimented with that a bit:


But so far haven't gone live with anything like that as having important content at 
"ci.apache.org" is a bit strange.

Sounds like accepting a more complex manual site build makes sense for now, until the Maven build is fixed...


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