On Wed, 2020-05-13 at 01:08 +0200, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki wrote:
> I would also like to know how this new format relates to already
> existing and working in-toto approach. Is there some specific deficiency
> in in-toto?

Mosty I wasn't aware of in-toto and at the summit a small group came up with
this format draft. So there is no concrete deficiency, except that it's maybe a
bit to complex. Reading ~40 pages of spec may discourage some fellow rebuilder
developers, however if any in-toto expert could provide an example for either
the Archlinux[1] or OpenWrt[2] rebuilder this *problem* is likely resolved :). 

[1]: https://github.com/aparcar/openwrt-rebuilder
[2]: https://github.com/aparcar/openwrt-rebuilder

Paul Spooren <m...@aparcar.org>

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