On 02/08/2023 11.26, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:


This is Debian specific but I cannot find a reproducible builds Debian
specific mailing list. Let me know if I should ask elsewhere. Feel free
to send me some pointers to read it myself.

TL;DR: I'm trying to build hello-traditional from Debian and have the
same result as Debian. I cannot do it. Pointers welcome. I thought of
using the .buildinfo file to reproduce the build environment and deps
but unsure of the best way and if this is the way.

I'm trying to reproduce the build of the package hello-traditional. I
understand from here:

That should be reproducible.

I've done:
$ sbuild --no-clean --arch-any --arch-all --no-source --dist=stable 


It might be something else, but since you mentioned "hello", there is a chance that this amazing story is relevant.

Bernhard M.

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