
Funny you should ask ...

One of my financial and tax collection agency clients was required to submit the delinquent tax collection file for their GL package that required pretty much the same file format
that you are required to use on your end.

In addition to using the SFIL and SPUT commands to create the string, the key is to use the correct ASCII Symbol Character (CHAR(00)) for creating a blank line that should keep
the trailing (BLANK) spaces.

Using the sample RRBYW19 database, I have mocked up the actual procedure to create a text file to illustrate the use of SFIL and SPUT commands and maintaining the trailing spaces.

See attached RRBYW19_FixedFieldFile.txt file.

In this sample each line is 80 characters long.

Using the MS Notepad, you will notice the trailing spaces.


If you need to open this file using the R:BASE Editor, make sure to enable the setting for [x] Keep Trailing Spaces. Otherwise, you will not be able to see any trailing spaces.

If that is what you are looking for and need a sample application to illustrate the use of
SFIL and SPUT to create Fixed Field File, feel free to reach out to me.

Very Best R:egards,


At 04:26 PM 2/19/2018, James W. Kim, CPA, MBA wrote:

Need some help with creating text file that retains blank spaces at the end of each row.

I often need to create text files with fixed row length such as 512 or 750 characters in a row. When there are no data value near the right end of each row, the unused spaces
need to be filled with blank spaces.

The following is an example of how such text file would be built. The example creates a row that has "FLOOR 7" at 274th space in a row that has 512 characters. With some previous versions of R:Base, the trailing spaces is retained after insertion of data using SPUT
function and line feed (CR/LF) would show up at 513th position.

However, the current version would remove the trailing space when data is inserted using
SPUT function and the (CR/LF) moves up to 281st position.

Is there anyway I can force the retention of trailing spaces so that CR/LF always shows
up at 513th position?

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1001121 Bytes & Words170428 00001915796CREDIT
1002127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.170428 00001520963CREDIT
1003124 Barton and Associates170428 00000097700CREDIT
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1010106 Computer Warehouse - I170520 00000234674CREDIT
1011117 Data Solutions170528 00000604850CREDIT
1012115 Datacrafters Infosystems170529 00000629889CREDIT
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1016122 Microcomputer Distribution170712 00000427012CREDIT
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1021125 MIS by Design170814 00000151213CREDIT
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1032110 Softech Database Design171012 00000205217CREDIT
1033113 State University171123 00000264131CREDIT
1034123 The Data Shop171123 00000513043CREDIT
1035102 Industrial Computers Inc.171123 00000660328CREDIT
1036109 Compdat Computer Consulting171123 00001762511CREDIT
1037124 Barton and Associates171123 00000102609CREDIT
1038114 Olympic Sales171125 00001131149CREDIT
1039127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.171126 00000185579CREDIT
1040121 Bytes & Words171129 00000361831CREDIT
1041109 Compdat Computer Consulting171129 00002155271CREDIT
1042127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.171203 00001076654CREDIT
1043116 Compumasters Computer Supply171215 00000470003CREDIT
1044127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.171230 00000648490CREDIT
1051121 Bytes & Words180105 00000661528CREDIT
1052116 Compumasters Computer Supply180112 00000383159CREDIT
1053127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180105 00000797794CREDIT
1054124 Barton and Associates180106 00001480705CREDIT
1055127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180106 00001696614CREDIT
1056116 Compumasters Computer Supply180114 00000848253CREDIT
1057127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180112 00000215528CREDIT
1058127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180113 00000940006CREDIT
1059124 Barton and Associates180114 00000542500CREDIT
1060109 Compdat Computer Consulting180115 00000568030CREDIT
1061121 Bytes & Words180116 00002329754CREDIT
1062127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180117 00000117338CREDIT
1063127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180118 00002155271CREDIT
1064127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180119 00000151213CREDIT
1065127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180120 00000336792CREDIT
1066121 Bytes & Words180121 00000308317CREDIT
1067128 Renaissance Computer Company180121 00000616633CREDIT
1068127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180122 00002346850CREDIT
1069124 Barton and Associates180123 00000151213CREDIT
1070129 Blue Ridge Technologies, Inc.180124 00000302425CREDIT
1071106 Computer Warehouse - I180125 00000302425CREDIT
1072129 Blue Ridge Technologies, Inc.180126 00000431054CREDIT
1073127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180127 00000383159CREDIT
1074129 Blue Ridge Technologies, Inc.180127 00001880120CREDIT
1075127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180128 00000884692CREDIT
1076127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180129 00000215528CREDIT
1077129 Blue Ridge Technologies, Inc.180130 00000548392CREDIT
1078116 Compumasters Computer Supply180131 00002275008CREDIT
1079100 Computer Warehouse - II180201 00002897587CREDIT
1080127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180202 00002700716CREDIT
1081127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180203 00002155271CREDIT
1082127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180204 00000491905CREDIT
1083127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180205 00000352502CREDIT
1084127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180206 00000151213CREDIT
1085121 Bytes & Words180207 00003525021CREDIT
1086116 Compumasters Computer Supply180208 00000176252CREDIT
1087121 Bytes & Words180209 00000092790CREDIT
1088129 Blue Ridge Technologies, Inc.180210 00000176252CREDIT
1089129 Blue Ridge Technologies, Inc.180211 00000215528CREDIT
1090127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180212 00002285809CREDIT
1091127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180213 00002155271CREDIT
1092124 Barton and Associates180214 00000469348CREDIT
1093124 Barton and Associates180215 00000347593CREDIT
1094127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180216 00000151213CREDIT
1095127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180217 00000176252CREDIT
1096127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180218 00000185579CREDIT
1097127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180219 00000783556CREDIT
1098127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180219 00000302425CREDIT
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1101127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180219 00001026086CREDIT
1102127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180219 00001762511CREDIT
1103116 Compumasters Computer Supply180219 00000976991CREDIT
1104127 RAM Data Systems, Inc.180219 00003525021CREDIT

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