
Thank you to those who have answered questions regarding the table count, and the application of many-to-many table relationships to Form design.

Bear with me, I'd like to lay out a design challenge, and then pose the question: "How does the Custom Table Relationship really work?"


The typical tutorial Sales Order form involves two bound tables: SalesOrderHeader (Header), and SalesOrderLineItem (LineItem). This is fine in a typical retail environment where one simply goes to the freezer and gets the box.

In our manufacturing environment, a SalesOrderLineItem is drawn from one of nine (9) product classes; each class involves a set of customizations which, when thought of as column values, are unique from the column value sets applied to other product classes.

So, we are designing a "three-level" sales order: Header, LineHeader, and DetailSet(1-9). Header to LineHeader is one-to-many; LineHeader to DetailSet(x) is one-to-one.

Shown for simplicity, only two DetailSet tables:

(There is no duplication of any given LineHeaderID value across the family of DetailSet tables. )

Expressed within the Add/Remove Tables facility, as a Custom Table Relationship:

Within the Form, data from each table inhabits:

- Header data inhabits DBEdits on the form itself
- LineHeader data inhabits DBEdits within a Scrolling Region
- DetailSet1 data inhabits DBEdits within Tab0 of an Enhanced Tab Control - DetailSet2 data inhabits DBEdits within Tab1 of an Enahnced Tab Control


The documentation warns that the vertical ordering of the slave tables is critical, in that this order directs the processing of data from multiple tables. I believe it. But I wonder that either:

(a) The facility is broken, or
(b) I'm asking it to do something it is not designed to do.

With this setup, data appears, and can be stepped through perfectly, for tables Header, LineHeader and DetailSet1. Data from DetailSet2 does NOT appear.

With this setup, data appears, and steps through perfectly, for tables Header, LineHeader, and DetailSet2. Data from DetailSet1 does NOT appear.


So, how DOES the Custom Table Relationship work, really? The definition of one-to-one links from LineHeader to DetailSet(1-9) is supported in the Add/Remove Tables facility, but in use, the third (and one expects, the fourth, fifth ... ) slave tables in the stack) are invisible the to Form. What is happening here, that only the first two slave tables are accessible?

Fishing for thoughts, understanding. So many thanks, Bruce

Bruce A. Chitiea
SafeSectors, Inc.
112 Harvard Ave #272
Claremont CA 91711-4716
+011 (909) 238-9012 c
+011 (909) 912-8678 f

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