On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Steve Palincsar <palin...@his.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 2009-02-16 at 15:43 -0700, PATRICK MOORE wrote:
> > Now *that* would make me start watching racing again: handicap the
> > good guys with bikes that the rest of us get from Goodwill. Heck, I'll
> > sponsor Lance and provide the bike!
> Long as you make 'em all fix their own flats.  I would LOVE to see them
> wearing those inflated spare tires in figure 8 form, and _proper_ sun
> glasses,
> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Om7pveY9p-w/SP8vOG4gVXI/AAAAAAAABis/cxTsOyRUqOI/s1600-h/vintage4.jpg

*There* ya go! And no damn' gear shifting, either!

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