I find that, for my tastes, touch up paints rarely match the existing
hue and/or quality of finish on bikes and it bothers me.  I just use
clear nail polish on nicks to keep the oxygen off the metal.
However, like Bill said, there is an archive of tried and true touch
up colors.

On Aug 28, 10:06 am, Bill Connell <bconn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 9:37 AM, stevew<st...@stevewimberg.com> wrote:
> > 3.  A small bottle of Testors paint seems like a decent way to go,
> > although color match may be a problem.  If I use Testor's, I want
> > enamel paint, right?  I would rather not get into spraying, which
> > eliminates the Competition Orange, I think.
> > Any other wisdom is certainly welcome.
> Not to pre-empt our listmaster, but Jim has a very nice Rivendell
> touch-up page with color match info 
> here:http://www.cyclofiend.com/rbw/color.html
> It's a very common list question, and unfortunately that Rambouillet
> orange is one of the toughest matches.
> --
> Bill Connell
> St. Paul, MN
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