
To the extent that it helps others, I think that I discovered the source of 
my newbie posting woes.  My Safari browser was somehow loading the mobile 
iOS version of the site on my Mac.  Not sure how this happened (maybe it 
was syncing to my phone) but after I searched for the site and then added a 
new bookmark for the Bunch, all of the functionality that you described is 
now visible and usable.  Thanks again.  

On Friday, August 29, 2014 1:34:30 PM UTC-4, Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
> Recently, there have been a number of new group members (and some 
> silverbacks...) who have been flummoxed by the non-intuitive way you add 
> images (photos) to a post.  In addition to the posts I've passed through, 
> there have been several each week for the past few months.  
> In the past, we had a socially agreed upon tenet of _NOT_ posting images 
> directly to the group, as many members accessed the group through email and 
> dial-up connections. It impacted connection times for many members 
> needlessly, as some folks simply didn't view the images on certain threads, 
> yet had to wait while they downloaded.  While email-only access is still a 
> widely-used choice, the latter has become less and less of an issue.  Of 
> course, mobile devices do keep this relevant.  
> I still don't think it's particularly courteous to other group members to 
> inflict a slow-churn of downloading 8 or 10 high resolution images by 
> attaching them to threads they may or may not be following.  In my mind, 
> new bike images, epic ride chronicling and things like that should be 
> posted separately to Flickr (TERAbytes  for free!) Picasa, Google drive, 
> cloud storage, etc.  There are so many posting options now, it's kind of 
> mind boggling.
> But one or two teaser images, with a link to the rest, seems alright to 
> me. 
> I strongly feel that FOR SALE images should be shared in that manner (i.e. 
> NOT attached, but with a link to the images) as well.  Again, not a 
> stamp-my-foot-and-delete-a-thread opinion, just that most group members 
> aren't interested in what you have for sale.  A link to images seems much 
> more appropriate there.
> However, as we are having more technical discussions, often members are 
> supplying specific phone-snapped images which provide an excellent answer 
> to the question.  And it's these which deserve to be in threads, enhancing 
> the discussions.  
> With that in mind, here's how you do it.  Illustrated with images.... 
> Step One - when you post or reply to a post, you should see a little 
>  skuemorphic paper clip doohickey.  To the right of that will be the magic 
> words "Attach a File"
> Click on that.
> Step Two - you should get an upload window, and you can drag and drop 
> (with certain...well, most... browsers) and an option to select from your 
> computer.
> Now, some of that functionality won't necessarily work from iOS or Android 
> OS's.  So, there's that.  Maybe someone can share an image to this thread 
> from their iPhone, iPad or Android device.
> Hope that helps!
> - Jim / list admin / cyclofiend.com

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