Yesterday was a real test of my commitment to fixed/ss riding -- I don't own
any multispeed bike; well, except the little drop frame Schwinn Sprint I got
at GW for my daughter's bike stable. And it was an example of how weight,
especially wheel weight, matters.
Anyway, yesterday morning I wanted to ride directly North to Mom's, which,
in the shortest route, is 8 miles away, with 4 miles of climbing, some of it
in steep 1/2 mile sections. And of course, we had a wind that (per NWS) was
low 20s gusting to low 30s. My '03 Curt road custom fixed has a 69" gear.
And, to boot, there is only 1 1/2 mile of more or less flat to warm up on;
and again, yesterday, against a strong wind.

I made it, and didn't even use the 60" bailout, but at the expense of going
very slowly; I think I averaged 10 mph, and I had to stand even in some of
the flatter sections. Now, if I had been riding my 35 lb Monocog (35 with
Nelson) I would have had to walk, even with the lower, 63" gear. The wheels
of the Riv - 559 Sun M14A rims at 360 grams, shod with 1" Turbos at 190
grams, are rather lighter than those on the Monocog with 780 gram Snowcat SL
rims and 900+ gram 60 mm Big Apples.

(The ride back home was faster, of course.)

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 9:28 PM, charlie <> wrote:

> I suppose it all depends on whether or not the added weight of the
> bike slows a rider down. Me being 60 pounds overweight doesn't help
> but then I keep up with my riding partner who is much leaner. I ride
> my "two speed" freewheel bike quite a bit and its around 21 pounds. I
> definitely notice the difference between it and my normal long range
> bike but I prefer the ruggedness of my geared bike for routes unknown.
> The older I get the less it seems I am concerned for how fast I get
> somewhere on my bicycle. Its doesn't appear to me that there is a
> major difference in my times over the distances (between 10 & 40 miles
> usually) I normally ride. Maybe I would think it more important on a
> century ride but I'm not quite sure why I should be. To quote an old
> saying, different strokes for different folks"! =)
> On Sep 29, 7:47 pm, "Bill M." <> wrote:
> > On Sep 28, 7:35 pm, charlie <> wrote:
> >
> > > So this means you can go 2-5 miles further in an hour of cycling ?  ;)
> >
> > Completely inconsequential if you're riding alone.  Maybe less so if
> > the group you're riding with is now 2 - 5 miles ahead.  That makes
> > conversation difficult and tries their patience at regroup points.
> >
> > Bill
> > (who alternates between 18 pound, 22 pound and 26 pound bikes
> > depending on terrain and company)
> >

Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
Patrick Moore, ACRW at

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