Thanks for all youse's advice. I am now typing on a new 15" Macbook Pro
(well , new to me, refurbished) while listening to music on Youtube on a
28" Samsung monitor, after having traded my Macbook Pro 17" in part trade
for my daughter's new Macbook Air (her 2008 white Mac was getting pretty

The Samsung will let me get at least 4 open documents in readable size, and
the screens on the new Macs are astounding in their quality.

Thanks again.


On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Patrick Moore <> wrote:

> I probably should have answered this question long ago, but tell me, you
> who work a lot on computers, particularly those of you who write: are you
> more productive with 2 or even 3 screens than with 1? I assume a situation
> where you refer to multiple open documents.
> #2: if yes, would the advantage in your case justify the cost of 2 new
> screens and a new (larger) desk? (I expect to spend at least 2-3K on a good
> desk -- my present armoire desk can't accommodate more than 1 screen.)
> #3: Again, if yes: what brands and models would you recommend for decent
> but not necessarily top level 17" screens? This is for fancy word
> processing, not graphics.
> Thanks.
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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nouvelle Mexique,  Vereinigte Staaten
*The point which is the pivot of the norm is the motionless center of a
circumference on which all conditions, distinctions, and individualities
revolve. *Chuang Tzu

*Stat crux dum volvitur orbis.* *(The cross stands motionless while the
world revolves.) *Carthusian motto

*It is *we *who change; *He* remains the same.* Eckhart

*Kinei hos eromenon.* (*It moves [all things] as the beloved.) *Aristotle

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