great story nice pictures!

On Dec 26, 9:22 am, Ray <> wrote:
> Hope you all had a great holiday and managed to get a ride in, as
> well.  Looking forward to reading the ride reports of others,
> especially with new Christmas loot!  Here's my report:
> I rode my Canti-Rom from my home in San Francisco to my oldest son's
> home in San Mateo for family Christmas dinner.  My wife drove down in
> the car, so I came home with her last night.
> I've been mostly riding my Quickbeam and jamis commuter, and had not
> been on the Rom for several weeks.  It was fun feeling like I was on a
> "fast" road bike, again.  I decided to ride down the peninsula via the
> Presidio, Aquatic Park, Embarcadero, SFO, and the Bay Trail.  Got as
> far as Crissy Field in the Presidio before I stopped to take my first
> photo of a jolly police officer riding a real reindeer!  That's when I
> discovered that my camera battery was dying, although I thought I had
> charged it.  Anyway, I managed one or two shots with it before it
> quit, the rest of the pix are with the iPhone. Best I could do.
> After the cop on the reindeer, I rode down along Embarcadero to ATT&T
> Park where I bumped into a fellow I had not seen since I retired 6
> years ago.  He was just walking along and I was surprised to see him
> after all these years. We chatted for about 45 minutes.  That set me
> back, time wise, as my wife had given me strict orders not to arrive
> at the family gathering any later than 1500 hours.  As luck would have
> it, I was right down the street from the CalTrain station.  I have a
> CalTrain schedule app on my iPhone, and a quick glance of it revealed
> that I could catch the next train south that was leaving in seven
> minutes!  I rode down, bought the ticket and rode the train as far as
> San Bruno. That covered about seven miles, and caught me up with the
> ride schedule.
> From San Bruno CalTrain, I continued on my previously planned route
> and made it to the festivities with 15 minutes to spare.  I freshened
> up, changed clothes (My wife brought down my duffel with the party
> clothes inside), and had a great evening.
> The Ibex El Fitto Knickers worked really well.  I like my Swobo
> knickers a smidge better fit-wise, but these are a very close second.
> I also really like the wind panels that they have across the front of
> the knees.  Those really do block the chilly air.  The elastic bands
> on the calves tended to allow the bottom of each leg to rise more than
> I like, but it wasn't enough to dissuade me from using these again.
> The workmanship is superb, and the fit very nice around the thighs and
> butt.  Good riding gear.
> Here are a few pix, including the cop on a reindeer!


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