Just one more post.. I can't help myself....like the little kid trying to 
get the last word in....:)

Very thoughtful and well written post Deacon. Please continue to speak your 

I'm in agreement with you on the need to protect the unborn. With recent 
events unfolding, I feel we're going to have a national conversation about 
it soon. Long overdue in my mind.

IMHO, not that anyone is asking, Grant should separate his politics from 
his business. Though you would never know it from this google group, not 
all purchasers of Rivendell bikes, myself included, share his political 

Older consumers tend to have more disposable income, and tend to be more 
conservative. Why deliberately alienate them? We're not heartless, selfish 
monsters just because we're not liberal Democrats.

It's really a matter of what's appropriate on a business website. Inserting 
politics into a small business, one dependent on internet sales, is simply 
a bad idea, especially in this age of instant internet boycotts. 

Yes, I know Grant writes on his BLAG but I believe it links to the store 

 Have you read about the royal screwup at Walmart recently?

 Apparently some Walmart's are selling "Impeach 45" T shirts and someone 
posted about it on Twitter. The tweet immediately went viral  and the 
outcry created an instant #BoycottWalmart trend on Twitter. 

Of course Walmart is pulling the t shirts, but the damage is done. A major 
PR nightmare for a retailer with a presence in every red state in the 

Sorry guys, its probably too late to buy the T-shirts..:)



On Tuesday, July 3, 2018 at 4:09:34 PM UTC-4, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> What do we want this group to be? Grant laments having to edit himself too 
> much, yet that is exactly what those here who disagree with “lefties” are 
> often asked to silently do. 
> I’m not sure the “lefties,” as Grant self-described, realize how much of 
> the lefty echo chamber gets unwittingly expressed in various ways on this 
> group nor do they realize the choice it presents with folks who disagree. 
> In part this is because they think such conclusions are commonplace across 
> they country and in human thought and understanding. Sometimes (as 
> evidenced in this thread), this is paired with the judgement that anyone 
> who disagrees (or expresses nuanced agreement) is backward, inhuman, 
> primative, ignorant, or worse. I generally let them slide. To suggest I’ve 
> finally turned a conversation to what I want to talk about is incorrect. 
> Over the years, various references to the code languague of the left have 
> been used (both by Grant in writings and by others on this group), such as 
> “women’s reproductive rights,” or “free to love whomever they choose,” or 
> other positions that inherantly go against my understanding of human 
> dignity. once understood what they stand for. 
> The above is one of the reasons I “went there.” If not everyone can agree 
> with science that a human egg fertalized by a human sperm is both human and 
> alive and thus logically has human rights, including to life, we need to 
> absolutly stick to bike talk. So while I grasp the desire to not have to 
> self edit, by having the echo chamber sneak in as it has more recently, 
> means anyone who disagrees either has to be silent, or speak up, or leave. 
> Is that what this group wants? I am happy to leave if so. However, I am a 
> Catholic deacon and I will not longer remain silent in the face of the echo 
> chamber. Also, for the record, I have many moral issues with many of our 
> presidents. If you want to understand my politics, Catholic Social Teaching 
> is your best bet. Grin. 
> With abandon, 
> Patrick  

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