Around here in this little corner of O-Hi-O there are few cyclists. I once 
saw another cyclist about a month I go, thought I do see banana peels on 
the side of the road more often, maybe once every 2-3 weeks.  I guess 
tossing the peel into the grass must just be too laborious for the poor 
soul .... hah !  The "bike store" in town is Wally World(that's Wal-Mart 
for the unimaginable). Always stocked with fresh bikes ready to roll off 
the shiny "showroom floor" .... kinda literally !

   I did meet one cyclists a few years back, a lawyerly fella who knew what 
a Rivendell Bombadill sorta was at least, but apparently it was unworthy 
compared to the plas-tique space ship he was riding  .... Va va varoooom 
and away he went into the statosphere faster than light ..... onto the 
wings of angels I suppose ......or so the promise goes ..... ahahahahahaa ! 

   Someone did compliment the ol' warhorse once though .... "Hey ... you 
ride that old thing everywhere " .   Yes I do ... I certainly do ! 

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