Because my name (or at least position as "moderator") came up recently, I 
thought I'd share a couple thoughts.

- Off-topic?
There were comments that unless I step in and delete a thread, it's not 
off-topic. This is patently wrong. The topic of this group is clear.  The 
direction is clear. We are talking about guardrails. If we keep veering 
toward the guardrail because folks are piling on, that's going to degrade 
the quality of this group. You have the ability to not add momentum to the 
vector. Please take a moment to make a clear choice before posting.

- Adult behavior
The time I need to step in and delete a thread occurs the moment it gets 
personal and/or nasty. Deleting threads is a PITA and takes extra time I 
don't typically have. That's why I rely upon the members of this group to 
take responsibility for the content shared and tone taken. It's why the 
"new member bottleneck" exists. That minor delay is often very revealing as 
to how short people's fuse is and the speed with which umbrage is taken. By 
the time you've been unmoderated, I usually have a sense that you will be a 
contributing member of the community. I've only had to remove a handful of 
folks over the years.

- Moderator's perogitive
Of course, if I see a post that starts with "This may be OT..." then I'm 
just as likely to delete it out of hand. A casualty of early awakenings and 
strong coffee, the condition in which I usually am perusing new and 
moderated posts.

- My goal
Is to continue to fortify respectful communication between members here. 
Too many groups have long since devolved into generally nasty or snide back 
and forths - being glib or clever for some unknown agenda. I think we 
continue to show more restraint on hot button topics and I greatly 
appreciate that effort. 

- Random thoughts
Let's not extrapolate. Let's understand there's a real person on the other 
side of the conversation Let's continue to remember that each of us are 
imperfect individuals. Let's give one another the space to be wrong and 
change our minds.

Happy holidays to all and thanks for adding to the conversation.

- Jim / / moderator-admin

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