Regarding riding on the sidewalk, it is illegal for anyone over the age of 13 
where I live in Northern California (also not SF).  That said, there is a busy 
stretch of my commute where two left turn lanes turns into another busy road.  
Although I feel highly self-conscious about it, I have often ridden up to the 
traffic light, taken the crosswalk and rode on the sidewalk the two block 
stretch to next “safe” road.  It’s MUCH safer than crossing two lanes of 
morning traffic to stand in and then travel with traffic in one of the two left 
turn lanes.

As for walking as a safer pursuit, yesterday evening my wife and I were walking 
our dogs when were almost run over by a Tesla silently rolling through a 
neighborhood stop sign at about 25-30 mph.  We actually had to yank the dogs 
back on to the corner.  Dangers are everywhere but I refuse to fear death so 
much that I cease living (paraphrasing Jimmy Buffet? Really!?).  I love riding 
a bicycle (and walking our dogs) and refuse to stop doing it out of fear.  To 
reiterate what others said, I’ll continue to ride defensively, use lights and 
reflective bits and avoid risky situations whenever possible.  But, as long as 
I still enjoy it, I’m still going to do it.

Good luck with your decision and, if you do give the bike, I hope you find 
another joyous pursuit that you enjoy as much or more than we all enjoy riding 
our Rivs.

Niles, CA

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