There are hundreds if not thousands of cycling blogs of one sort or another
"out there," but, at least for my tastes, few that one really looks forward
to reading; the critical difference often (not always) being a certain
literary quality; and this quality depends far less on education and
learning than a certain wealth or "bigness," of imagination. The really
interesting cycling blogs are written by those who have a sufficiently
large view of life and the world outside of mere cycling. That is why, IMO,
one of the great epic cycling travel books, Miles from Nowhere, was
disappointing; the author simply hadn't the imaginative background -- hers
was moderately upper middle class American bourgeois -- to write about her
epic experiences in an interesting way.

OTOH, Velouria somehow brings a wealth of interior, if not exterior, human
experience to her cycling descriptions. Ditto Grant. He is interesting
because he is (I assume, judging by his writings) an interesting person.

At the cultural antipodes to Velouria is Dave Moulton, still blogging (Deo
gratias!) well into his 80s. Moulton is working-class Brit of the poor
(read his recent blog about the early 1950s flu epidemic!!) pre- and
immediately post-WWII generation, without any literary pretensions at all;
yet, again, IMO, he has a breadth of human outlook that make his (quite
honestly, somewhat illiterate) blogs very interesting; and I take into
account my own particular and very idiosyncratic interest in 1950s-1970s
working class Brit cycling culture.

As a general principle, a certain breadth of imagination, that I cannot
define, makes some bloggers interesting, while others, well qualified in so
many ways, are not. Extending this to travel writing, of which I've read a
great deal: Paul Theroux and Evelyn Waugh are or were nasty misanthropes
--tho' perhaps Waugh *per *accidens* while Theroux -- sadly -- essentially,
but their travel writings are interesting to read because they bring to
their observations a context extending far beyond the details of the mere
particular experiences they describe. Theroux comes across as a nasty SOB,
but here too, his cultural or, let's just say, his *mental* amplitude makes
even his misanthropic observations interesting, if not acceptable.

Back to Lovely Bicycle: I expect that Velouria and I share very little in
basic presuppositions of the true and real and the good, but she seems to
have a human amplitude that makes me, at least, exult that her blog is at
least momentarily back for perusal.

 * (Someone chastised Waugh for claiming to be a Christian while being so
nasty. He replied to the effect that, "Oh, if I weren't a Christian, I'd be
far, far worse.")

On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 1:22 PM Joe Bernard <> wrote:

> I saw this on the iBob and thought you non-Bobbers (there's a few) would
> be interested. Hey, remember when I got in that big fight over there
> because I defended her not announcing the end of her cycling blog? That was
> great fun. Here's a new one which may or may not continue to be about
> bikes, it starts with knitting a jersey. Welcome back, Velouria! 🙂♥️
> --
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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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