I've been reading it too. It's amazing and certainly inspiring!


On 4/25/10, happyriding <happyrid...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Mike!  I spent the last few days reading her trip report.
> What a grand adventure!   Here are some of my favorite quotes:
> --
> I met one rollerblader this morning on a bike path in Portland, ME who
> yelled to me, "Did you leave anything at home"?
> --
> Before we go any further, I should tell you, dear reader, about how I
> have no sense of direction. None. Besides that, I routinely miss
> signs. This means that you can count on lots of extraneous adventures;
> I can pretty much guarantee getting lost at least once every day.
> --
> Fewer hills, but some of them were mighty big. I think I walked up 3
> of them. But as Moni Neville said once on the phred list, "I never met
> a hill I couldn't walk."
> --
> I was lucky to find this campground as there were no other
> accommodations anywhere near. It's actually a golf course. Look at the
> net right behind the table in the picture. The first tee is right
> behind me. I am hoping I don't get brained by a ball.
> --
> I should have titled this journal, "Creeping across America in small
> increments." But I'm training on the road. At least that's my excuse
> for now.
> --
> There was some hairy riding this morning. Fast rush-hour traffic on 2-
> lane roads with no shoulders, curves and hills. On some of the steeper
> hills there was no room to wobble so I walked in the ditch with the
> bike on the edge of the often broken white line area. I was glad to
> get out of that area.
> --
> Today was a challenge. It was pouring cold rain as I headed down the
> road. About 5 miles into the ride a highway sign said I was riding
> East, and as we know, I'm supposed to be headed West.
> --
> But what a struggle! The terrain was easy - up and down small hills -
> but my legs simply would not work today. I had to walk even the
> smallest inclines and even pedalling down the other side was
> difficult. Walking was hard, too. What on earth was happening? Food,
> Gatorade, GU and electrolytes did not fix it. Finally, around the 10
> mile mark my legs kicked in a bit, but not at their usual strength. It
> wasn't until I got into a hotel room that it dawned on me that the
> problem was probably that I'd been riding for 7 days and needed a rest
> day. So I won't be riding tomorrow.
> --
> You will notice that I only did 13 miles today, but even that was an
> accomplishment. Over the winter I had read CrazyGuy journals about the
> killer hills in the stretch from Oxford through Bigelow Hollow State
> Park and beyond, but truly, I had no idea. The hills were steep and
> they were long and they were relentless and of course I walked them.
> Walk 10 steps, rest, try to prevent the bike from rolling back down,
> repeat. There were false tops to some of the hills, where just as I
> thought I'd got there, the road would curve and there was another top,
> and later, maybe another. When I actually got to the top there would
> be a 1 to 2 mile descent, but I was so shakey I'd have to rest before
> I felt competent to hurl myself down the hill.
> --
> I had to quit at 24 miles because my left cleat was not engaging with
> the pedal and I had some foot slips and near spills because of it.
> Fortunately, I had an extra set of Speedplay Frog cleats. I think that
> walking up those hills finally killed that cleat, although they were 6
> years old and quite worn down.
> --
> It was another exhausting day of hiking up long steep hills (1421 feet
> total ascent) that I couldn't ride and rocketing down the other side.
> --
> I went into the police station at Sheffield to ask a question about
> the map. The officer I spoke with used to be a racing cyclist but
> can't ride now because he has knee problems. But here's the most
> amazing thing I learned today. He will be having a procedure where
> they grind up rooster combs, mix it with something, and inject it into
> the knee. What?! This seemed so far out that I had to Google it, but
> turns out it's an actual procedure. How did someone come to think this
> up? Let's see - my patient's got bad knees and I've got this rooster
> out there doing not much of anything, so...
> --
> Not far from Sand Hill Park and still in the wind farm area is the
> Erie Shores Wind Farm Interpretive Centre. I stopped to see what I
> could learn. The wind turbine pictured above is just across the road
> and you can go over there and pet it if you want.
> --
> (At one town, Judy phoned up a classmate that she hadn't seen in 53
> years and was able to locate here.  They spent the whole day chatting
> and Judy spent the night at her house.)
> --
> As soon as I arrived in Big Sandy I went into the bar, which was the
> only establishment in town that was open. A highschool friend named
> Grace once lived here and I had hoped to connect with her. Everyone in
> the bar of a certain age knew her, but sadly she died 2 or 3 years
> ago.
> --
> As you can see in the picture, the shoulder is lovely as you start out
> from Fort Benton, but it disappears completely 16 miles from Great
> Falls. Moreover, you can't ride on the white line because there are
> clumps of chipseal on it. So the only place to ride on this narrow,
> heavily traveled road is in the traffic. I walked the bike in the
> weeds for the bigger hills and rode when there were breaks in the
> traffic on the flats. I had resigned myself to slowly progressing
> toward Great Falls in this manner, just hoping to arrive alive. After
> awhile I crested a small rise and observed a pickup truck parked in a
> pull-out, and as I got closer a man got out of the truck and waved. To
> my amazement, it was Hugh, one of my high school classmates who has
> been following this journal, and seeing that I was probably going to
> be traveling on this dangerous road had come out to rescue me!
> --
> --
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