Thanks for asking, Eric - at this point, it's a "known Known" and is 
unlikely to be changed, barring Google dropping the entire Groups format.

Despite drawbacks and quirks, it provides decent bandwidth with a minimum 
of management and zero out of pocket cost. I've hosted, managed and run 
Listservs, BBS's and their related offspring over the years and none of 
them are without hassle. 

The attachment size for photos into Google Groups has been 25 MB for some 
time now. Yeah... but the other option is to set up a nice photo album and 
share that link. 

I have posted before that if things are not working correctly, the one 
helpful "to-do" is to access the Settings panel and use the "Send feedback 
to Google" button. Some things have actually been addressed over the years. 

There is a "For Sale" tag (Or "Label" in Googroup parlance). Periodically I 
remind folks, but honestly, almost every list member seems to label things 
clearly enough in the subject that it's hard to be confused.
There are actually three labels - "RBW-Emphemera" - "RBW-History" and 
I"ve been relatively slow to implement them, as I did not want to impose 
too much structure on this group. 

I would also say that basic searchability is pretty strong - that's been 
refined a great deal over the last couple years. As with Gmail, it uses 
tools which are pretty refined. 

As one more vector, there is a Rivendell Owners Bunch On Facebook group 
which I set up a while ago, where For Sale/Trade is not allowed, and photos 
are more the coin of the realm.

There's another one which I'm not an admin of called "Rivendellicious" 
which also includes Bridgestone topics and allows transactions.

again, I appreciate your input - thanks!

- Jim / group admin

On Sunday, October 3, 2021 at 7:09:29 AM UTC-7 wrote:

> Hi all -- I'm relatively new in these parts but I do love and appreciate 
> the community, information, gear swaps and laughs of the RBW Owners Bunch. 
> But, man, Google Groups is awful. I'm a member of a few other forums that 
> use phpBB <> which is, to my mind, real nice and 
> easy to use. 
> Problems I see here: 
>    - Generally difficult to keep up with rolling posts, format doesn't 
>    lend to quick scanning and visual organization
>    - Threads don't have pages! Infinite scroll
>    - DMs get lost
>    - Sharing images is a total pain
>    - We don't have discussion folders for broad categories. Spitballing 
>    here but we could have: General discussion, For Sale, Repairs and 
>    maintenance, etc. 
>    - A For Sale folder with a tagged/pinned mega thread with frames for 
>    sale would be cool, supplemented by our rolling gear posts. 
> I believe phpbb would add some much needed functionality, editing 
> capability, sharing capability and browsing capability! I have not done *any 
> *research into the cost or what it would take to set up a new forum but 
> I'd wager that a few of us would gladly chip in to cover the costs. 
> Food for thought. Perhaps this has been discussed previously. But I think 
> there are better ways for us to get together. 
> Did I mention Google groups is awful?
> Okay, peace and love!
> Eric

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