I'm right there with you; 83.5 / 84 PBH, and my saddle height is around 
72-73cm. From what I've read and seen, you'd probably be a solid 53 on a 
Toyo-built Atlantis. I've ridden a Toyo 58, and while I found it 
comfortable to ride, it was really only because it had skinny tires and 
swept-back bars. I would love to find a 56 Toyo to try out.

Current models, you'd be a 53 or 55 depending on what tire sizes you'd 
prefer to run. Personally, I like fatter tires and prefer riding rougher 
terrain, so if I were to look at a current Atlantis, I'd go for a 53.

I'm sure there are folks who have more real riding experience spanning all 
years of the Atlantis, who could better advise.

On Monday, August 15, 2022 at 12:29:59 PM UTC-4 Dick Combs wrote:

> Hello all, I have a PBH of 83.5, through the years the Atlantis frame 
> sizes fitting that PBH have changed. Could anyone tell me what range of 
> years and frame sizes would be appropriate for a PBH of 83.5, Thanks

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