"No,  I have to admit I never made a convert. I got admiring comments 
(beautiful bike! How old is that?) and sometimes an old guy would start 
telling me about his bikes back in the day. But never a request to ride or 
request for info. I think the Ram also just wasn’t quite odd enough. "

I never got any body to convert either...I tried too but nobody ever showed 
up with a handlebar bag or panniers to a club ride (except me). There were 
a few cyclists who would show up on steel racing frames, some even with 
downtube shifters, and tear up a club ride. That was cool to see. 

On Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 5:35:43 PM UTC-5 felt...@gmail.com wrote:

> No,  I have to admit I never made a convert. I got admiring comments 
> (beautiful bike! How old is that?) and sometimes an old guy would start 
> telling me about his bikes back in the day. But never a request to ride or 
> request for info. I think the Ram also just wasn’t quite odd enough. 
> On Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 11:37:19 AM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding 
> Ding! wrote:
>> I’m *loving* these bike stories you guys are giving. Now that I’ve got 
>> club riding experience, I can better relate to your stories. 
>> Interesting observation about the comfort of the Trek - I wonder why it 
>> became uncomfortable when slowing? I can relate about the hills, too. We 
>> Riv riders are working harder on our hills than the rest. I stand up and 
>> PUSH on my pedals on our ascents. I feel like I need more weight to get 
>> them to turn faster, and I can feel the bikes behind me gaining. But once 
>> we crest the top I’m back up to pace again. I know I work harder on my 
>> bike, but I also think that makes me stronger. I am at my high school 
>> weight, or maybe less, and I have new muscles and even new circulation. I 
>> have augmented my riding with weight lifting and core about 6 days a week, 
>> and I think that helps my rides, too.
>> I can also relate to the bag comments - Marc (Sam rider with a 
>> Saddlesack) and I rode a club ride one day. One guy said to us, “You guys 
>> are ready for anything. Even a job interview…with your little briefcases.” 
>> Club rides are good, clean fun and a good way to challenge yourself. They 
>> don’t replace the best kind of riding - using your bike to go places and do 
>> things - but they are a good time.
>> Ryan and Feltovich - did either of you make any converts? Anyone want to 
>> try your Rivendell and then love the comfort?
>> L
>> On Sep 10, 2022, at 12:51 PM, Ryan M. <ryan.merri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Club riding can be a lot of fun and quite rewarding. I always liked 
>> riding with a group like that when I had the time...the fitness of it was 
>> great. 
>> I started out club riding on my Sam Hillborne with a Sackville handlebar 
>> bag hooked up to a set of Nitto Noodles. My friend would make fun of me 
>> asking why I needed a trout creel on the bike; I just answered that it was 
>> the perfect size for a 6 pack of beer and a sandwich in case we needed a 
>> rest stop. It was a great bike for riding with the slower or medium speed 
>> group. Eventually I bought a carbon Trek and really started riding with the 
>> faster group. Did it for a few years and I do think the bike setup helped 
>> with the speed and I don't think I could have kept up with the group on my 
>> Sam. I did buy a Roadeo and road that...and it was a great bike for club 
>> riding. That carbon bike could climb a hill faster and more efficiently 
>> than the Hillborne could, I can't deny that. The Roadeo was faster than the 
>> Sam too and really about the same as the carbon bike for efficiency.  The 
>> thing about that carbon Trek bike was that it was really comfortable for 
>> long rides provided I was kinda hammering the pedals most of the time. As 
>> soon as the pace came down to casual, the bike would become uncomfortable. 
>> The Rivs were comfortable all the time.
>> It's always a sobering moment when the group gets blown away by the 
>> single speed riding, flip flop sporting, floppy t-shirt and jean short 
>> wearing bike shop employee who just looks like he is out for a Sunday 
>> stroll. 
>> On Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 10:26:17 AM UTC-5 felt...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> When we lived in minneapolis I rode with a small neighborhood group that 
>>> did a weekly Sunday ride at a respectable pace. I was riding a Rambouillet 
>>> back then: fenders, canvas saddle bag, shellacked bar tape, 33.333mm tires, 
>>> etc. The other riders were on aluminum or CF bikes, of course. One day, we 
>>> were doing our version of a paceline on a winding road near the U of M 
>>> campus when we got passed by some shirtless college kid in jean shorts on a 
>>> mountain bike. The group instinctively sped up to chase, but it was quickly 
>>> obvious that we weren't going to catch him. Wry smiles and "holy crap, that 
>>> kid was flying!" But the obvious point was that his speed wasn't really 
>>> hindered that much by his upright/heavy bike and that the racy bikes and 
>>> fancy clothes in our group were not making a significant difference to our 
>>> middle-aged dadbod speeds. 
>>> On Friday, September 9, 2022 at 8:05:49 PM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>>> Ding! wrote:
>>>> Doug - congrats on your increasing fitness on your new bike! Bikes and 
>>>> health are great investments. Despite demonstrating that speed and comfort 
>>>> are NOT mutually exclusive, I have made zero converts. Absolutely no one 
>>>> is 
>>>> rushing out to buy a Racing Platypus of their own. However, their gaze has 
>>>> been shifted to using bikes as transportation/for errands, and there is 
>>>> some interest in the club about getting Rivendells to that end. The club 
>>>> recently asked 5 of us to present how we commute/shop by bike and two of 
>>>> us 
>>>> were Rivendell owners, so that was pretty awesome. The club has been 
>>>> saying 
>>>> it wants to broaden its focus and even changed its mission statement to be 
>>>> more inclusive of all types of cycling. So, the winds of change are 
>>>> blowing.
>>>> Joe - I think you have to join a club ride. Your paint is Rad Red. 
>>>> That’s racing paint.
>>>> I try to be a good sport about the comments but they do get old. They 
>>>> just have to say something, though; I think it’s too much for them. They 
>>>> have subscribed to the racing school of thought and then a clear violator 
>>>> of the rules speeds by. If one can assign value to suffering, then that’s 
>>>> one thing. You can be willing to suffer if there’s a payoff. But what if 
>>>> you were riding an uncomfortable bike/saddle and wearing uncomfortable 
>>>> clothes/shoes/diaper butt for NO REASON? If you can be fast without that 
>>>> stuff, then what? Sacred cows. Being slaughtered.
>>>> Anyway, I am not trying to rag on the racers. I love riding with the 
>>>> racers. We just see things differently, but I’m glad to know them.
>>>> L
>>>> On Sep 9, 2022, at 9:01 PM, Joe Bernard <joer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I love your smiling comeback to the guys. Personally if I was 
>>>> hammering on a carbon racer and a young lady on a pretty raspberry mixte 
>>>> with fenders, rack and dynohub beat me I wouldn't pull up in the parking 
>>>> lot and tell her she's doing it wrong. I'd ask what *I'm *doing wrong! 
>>>> On Friday, September 9, 2022 at 2:58:33 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>>>> Ding! wrote:
>>>>> I’ve continued my club rides this summer, and will soon get to 
>>>>> experience them in the fall. There is no question that these rides have 
>>>>> made me fitter; I can look back at my Apple Watch recordings and see it. 
>>>>> I’m sure everyone is fitter by the end of the season, actually. Before I 
>>>>> joined the group, my normal trips were a mere 10 miles, and I was proud 
>>>>> of 
>>>>> that mileage. Now, is not uncommon for me to ride 28-30 miles on a club 
>>>>> ride, and go out again on my own ride the same day. I just have to be 
>>>>> careful that I get enough hydration and electrolytes, or I pay for it the 
>>>>> next day. At the beginning of the season I was in the 14 mph group. The 
>>>>> watch shows the “splits”, a mile by mile tracking of speed, and I can 
>>>>> also 
>>>>> see what my heart rate was doing - it was up in 140s and 150s. Now I’m in 
>>>>> the 16 mph group and we exceed 16 regularly, but my heart rate is still 
>>>>> slower at high speeds than it was when I was in the slower group. I’ve 
>>>>> considered riding with a group going 17, but I would be pushing and I 
>>>>> have 
>>>>> to think it’s hard on one’s heart to push it for upwards of 2 hours. 
>>>>> Today’s women’s ride was a hilly route that took us through vineyard 
>>>>> after vineyard. Wait until you smell the grapes, they told me. Did you 
>>>>> know 
>>>>> that grapes have a scent? I did not. They smell exactly like grape juice, 
>>>>> which I did not expect, since I’ve never eaten a grape that tasted like 
>>>>> grape juice. Also of note from today: a near tragedy. The ride starts at 
>>>>> a 
>>>>> park. The group was circled up, waiting for the last woman to arrive. She 
>>>>> approached on the 2 lane road, 2 vehicles behind her. She was lit up, had 
>>>>> her arm wide out, signaling to turn left. A woman near me began to scream 
>>>>> NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!! The truck directly behind her slowed, but the one 
>>>>> behind him decided to pass. He nearly killed Anne. She was unharmed but 
>>>>> deeply shaken. 
>>>>> I’ve learned a lot about road safety and being a good group member by 
>>>>> calling out road hazards and taking my turn leading the group so the ride 
>>>>> leaders can rest. I love all the scenery and the wildlife and the crops. 
>>>>> We 
>>>>> see animals and flowers and lakes on every ride. It’s a feast for the 
>>>>> eyes, 
>>>>> and I love that I can sit upright to fully see and appreciate them. I 
>>>>> look 
>>>>> down at my raspberry bike and I love that we get to do this together. The 
>>>>> camaraderie is enjoyable; it is good to be with bike people, even if they 
>>>>> don’t understand your choice of bike. I’m no longer self-conscious when I 
>>>>> roll up at the start of the ride. I don’t feel pressure to wear clicky 
>>>>> shoes or a jersey; I’m there with my Grant Safety Triangle and my Target 
>>>>> workout wear and my Keen sandals and I don’t feel inadequate. 
>>>>> I still get comments on nearly every ride about how much my bike 
>>>>> weighs or how fast I *could* be if only I had a real road bike, but I 
>>>>> weather them pretty well and only send comebacks to the most egregious 
>>>>> offenders. This will always happen at the end of the ride, after we 
>>>>> sprint 
>>>>> to the parking lot. Some guy will come find me at my vehicle and tell me 
>>>>> how I’m doing it wrong. After getting lectured about how I could go 25% 
>>>>> faster if I had this bike and narrow tires, blah, blah, I say, “Well, I 
>>>>> just beat you, so I don’t think my bike is the problem.”  This is now my 
>>>>> standard response. But I smile when I say it. Seeing that I will not be 
>>>>> parted from my Racing Platypus, some have now moved onto my heavy 
>>>>> Hydroflask. I carry 40 oz of water in a stainless steel Hydroflask and 
>>>>> they 
>>>>> can’t get over me lugging all that extra weight along. Also, they want to 
>>>>> know if it is orange juice in there. Oh, whatever. 
>>>>> I laugh, and they laugh and we ride on.
>>>>> Leah
>>>>> (Pictures attached, but only of the women’s rides, because they are 
>>>>> the only group who will stop for a photo op!)
>>>>> On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 9:27:43 PM UTC-4 Max S wrote:
>>>>>> As many / most of you know, carbon fiber composites have been in 
>>>>>> structural applications in aerospace and other fields for decades. That 
>>>>>> said, the frequency and thoroughness of regular inspections (and 
>>>>>> replacement) carried out in those applications is perhaps beyond what a 
>>>>>> typical cyclist is willing to do. But here's a couple of nice videos 
>>>>>> that 
>>>>>> demonstrate the durability of CF bike parts: 
>>>>>> Danny MacAskill Tests Santa Cruz Reserve Carbon Wheels: 
>>>>>> https://youtu.be/VfjjiHGuHoc 
>>>>>> Carbon vs Aluminum Frames - Which is Stronger? (you can skip to 1:40 
>>>>>> mark for start of tests)
>>>>>> https://youtu.be/w5eMMf11uhM 
>>>>>> But there are also examples of frames and wheels failing... like this 
>>>>>> one: https://youtu.be/NVkWlsbnUZ8 
>>>>>> Aluminum fails too, but for different reasons:  
>>>>>> https://youtu.be/qKeeHDuoFq8 
>>>>>> - Max "horses for courses & ride what you brung" in A2 
>>>>>> On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 8:52:20 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks, Max, a clear and informative response. I didn't realize one 
>>>>>>> could save so much time at sub 18 mph.
>>>>>>> I've only dented 1 rim that I remember, back in about 1971 or 1972 
>>>>>>> when I bashed a steel 27" rim by failing to dodge a pothole at the 
>>>>>>> bottom 
>>>>>>> of a fast hill on the way to school, but it is good to know that CF 
>>>>>>> rims 
>>>>>>> can outlast and outwear aluminum ones and at lighter weights; the 
>>>>>>> Velocity 
>>>>>>> Blunt SS wheels on my (disc brake) dirt road bike are very light, but 
>>>>>>> I've 
>>>>>>> thought of replacing them with an even lighter CF-rim pair (but thin 
>>>>>>> crust 
>>>>>>> and not deep dish!) some day, especially since I could use the Blunts 
>>>>>>> for a 
>>>>>>> wheelset for a long-wished-for Monocog replacement.
>>>>>>> As to weight, I've had a few heavy bikes that just felt easier to 
>>>>>>> pedal in given gears in given conditions; a mark of these was that I 
>>>>>>> naturally tended to ride at cruising speed on flats 1 cog smaller / 5 
>>>>>>> gear 
>>>>>>> inches bigger. But I never took any measurements.
>>>>>>> To respond to Andy's remarks, I myself tend to gauge "speed" by 
>>>>>>> feel, first by ease of pedaling as described, and distant second, 
>>>>>>> smoothness of tires (I qualify "smooth" by "tires" because I've had at 
>>>>>>> least 1 noodle frame that felt very plush but not particularly fast; 
>>>>>>> not 
>>>>>>> particularly slow, but not especially fast -- ancient long wheelbase 
>>>>>>> Raleigh Technium). But I have never, ever thought a bike faster because 
>>>>>>> of 
>>>>>>> it felt rode rough or buzzy. 
>>>>>>> So indeed, my criteria are largely sensory. But I'd still not baulk 
>>>>>>> at lighter and stronger rims.
>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 10:10 PM Max S <msh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Patrick, 
>>>>>>>> This is a deeply and widely explored topic. There are some numbers 
>>>>>>>> and graphs to look at here:  
>>>>>>>> https://www.wheelscience.com/pages/aero-v-weight 
>>>>>>>> In my personal experience, deep rims can save me ~10-20 watts, 
>>>>>>>> depending on how fast and where I ride. So, it can get me from 16.5 to 
>>>>>>>> 17.0 
>>>>>>>> mph or to 17.5 mph average over a 50 mile ride on our local gravel 
>>>>>>>> roads, 
>>>>>>>> for example. 
>>>>>>>> If those rims are carbon, that nets a 1.3-1.5 kg wheelset that is 
>>>>>>>> both aerodynamic AND sturdy. If I try to hit that weight mark with 
>>>>>>>> aluminum 
>>>>>>>> rims, I get a less aerodynamic and a flimsier wheelset. 
>>>>>>>> Speaking for myself, the upshot of running deep dish carbon wheels 
>>>>>>>> is that they let me give up an hour of sleep the night before to keep 
>>>>>>>> up 
>>>>>>>> with my riding pal... But if you're riding by yourself, and your sleep 
>>>>>>>> hygiene is good, and you're eating right, and you're not checking the 
>>>>>>>> local 
>>>>>>>> rankings on various "segments" on Strava, it doesn't make much 
>>>>>>>> difference. 
>>>>>>>> Well, no, let me take that back. What I've discovered of late in 
>>>>>>>> riding gravel roads is that half of my aluminum rims have developed 
>>>>>>>> dents, 
>>>>>>>> whereas the carbon wheels have not. I'm not a particularly heavy rider 
>>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>>> I like to think I'm a careful rider. But running the same size tires 
>>>>>>>> on 
>>>>>>>> carbon wheels seems to not result in the same number of dents. Now 
>>>>>>>> this 
>>>>>>>> will probably at some point turn into a chipped / delaminated section 
>>>>>>>> on 
>>>>>>>> that carbon rim, but for now, they seem to suffer fewer of those 
>>>>>>>> dents. 
>>>>>>>> Carbon frames and forks do save a significant amount of weight – 
>>>>>>>> expect about 2-3 lbs saved over a similarly sized steel frame & fork, 
>>>>>>>> especially from Rivendell. The weight is felt on the hills – about 10 
>>>>>>>> seconds per mile of climbing at 4-5% gradients, in my experience, but 
>>>>>>>> I 
>>>>>>>> could be mis-remembering. It's easy to stick two extra 2-liter soda 
>>>>>>>> bottles 
>>>>>>>> in your saddlebag and test the effect quantitatively and qualitatively 
>>>>>>>> for 
>>>>>>>> yourself.
>>>>>>>> If the above makes me sound like a carbon apologist, I'll say that 
>>>>>>>> all my bikes have steel frames and forks, and most have aluminum rims. 
>>>>>>>> I 
>>>>>>>> just prefer those for now, for a variety of reasons. But sometimes I 
>>>>>>>> do 
>>>>>>>> ride carbon wheels and enjoy the looks and the very very slight speed 
>>>>>>>> benefits, and noticeable durability benefits for some aspects of my 
>>>>>>>> riding. 
>>>>>>>> - Max "who should be working on getting more sleep rather than 
>>>>>>>> re-gluing his tires" in A2
>>>>>>>> On Monday, August 15, 2022 at 12:30:36 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Pretty Sotherland, and that's one of the most interesting head 
>>>>>>>>> badges I've seen. The motto in full is "Sans peur et sans reproche" 
>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>> "Without fear and without blame" or generally, "Beyond fear and 
>>>>>>>>> reproach," 
>>>>>>>>> the motto of the ideal knight of chivalry.
>>>>>>>>> I'm just asking this (of the group) and not reproaching: Do carbon 
>>>>>>>>> fork and aero carbon fiber wheels make that much of a difference over 
>>>>>>>>> a 
>>>>>>>>> good steel fork and say lightweight tubulars or RH extralight 
>>>>>>>>> clinchers at 
>>>>>>>>> less than race speeds? 
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 2:03 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
>>>>>>>>> jonasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Today was a women’s ride. 29 miles at over 16 mph, and it was 
>>>>>>>>>> great. Such a nice group of women. Many of them ride TO the ride, 
>>>>>>>>>> and then 
>>>>>>>>>> ride home again. I come from the opposite end of the city, so I am 
>>>>>>>>>> always 
>>>>>>>>>> stuck driving. Anyway, I have some photos but first let’s take a 
>>>>>>>>>> minute to 
>>>>>>>>>> appreciate this lugged, steel bike that belongs to my ride leader. 
>>>>>>>>>> You’ll 
>>>>>>>>>> see her decals say “Sotherland.” That does happen to be her name, 
>>>>>>>>>> yes, but 
>>>>>>>>>> it is also the builder’s name. John Sotherland used to build the 
>>>>>>>>>> Rivendell 
>>>>>>>>>> frames in the Waterford days; he has since opened his own shop. John 
>>>>>>>>>> is a 
>>>>>>>>>> brother-in-law to my ride leader, and he made her this beautiful 
>>>>>>>>>> pink and 
>>>>>>>>>> white fade bike in 1988. This is the original paint job. I did not 
>>>>>>>>>> have 
>>>>>>>>>> time to ask about the fork, but aren’t her chainstays interesting? 
>>>>>>>>>> We were 
>>>>>>>>>> pulled over on a highway waiting for a rider to fix her flat, so I 
>>>>>>>>>> hurriedly took these few shots. 
>>>>>>>>>> Save this one bike, all the rest were carbon.
>>>>>>>>>> Leah
>>>>>>>>> [image: image.png]
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>>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Patrick Moore
>>>>>>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
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