Now that's interesting. Watch even older videos of Coppi and Bartalli on
climbs and on the flats; 50 rpm standing in a 62" gear, and -- Coppi -- 120
rpm bursts in a 93" high alternating with coasting on the flats (48 X 14-21
4 speed); much as I used to ride (we pros share a great deal) with the
difference that (this was 30 years ago) my flatland cruising was about 64"
at 108+ rpm for 20+ mph. No longer! 90 in a 76" gear is high. Funny, it was
riding fixed that transformed me from a twiddler to a masher; true.

On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 6:11 PM Garth <> wrote:

> ... As I've watched pro road cycling since the 70/80's, this is how
> everyone rode. Slow rpm in big gears uphill and huge gears spinning high
> rpm with great supple' going downhill and on the flats. Watch Greg Lemond
> in the 80's in race videos, he was fluid from the very low to very high
> rpm. To be a pro you pretty much had to be able to do that. That started to
> change in the early 90's, where higher uphill rpm were beginning to happen,
> but that time frame coincided with the introduction of the drug EPO, which
> basically gave riders more oxygen in the blood so they could push those
> higher rpm without running out of oxygen. That's how the story goes as I
> understood it at least. Even still,  you see riders ride in every
> conceivable way and so one must caution against implying "everyone does
> this or that" because everyone is unique in their own way.

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