Sacto seems like such a cool bike town. I rode out there so many years ago 
for NAHBS and had a blast. Great write up!

On Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 6:22:40 PM UTC-4 Lucky wrote:

> TW: Bridgestone content 
> We do “Sac From The Dead X Shred to Ed's”. A ride report inspired by 
> Leah’s Adventures in Wilding 
> Caveat, I did this ride on my 1992 Bridgestone XO-1. It does have 
> Rivendell Silver Shifters. I do own a Rivendell Atlantis and even thought 
> it's a 26er, I left it home. I normally would not put a ride report on what 
> is probably for many of you an event that was too disorganized, too 
> chaotic, and contained too few Rivs. Nonetheless, I was regaling my 
> RivSister Leah with tales of my imagined dirt-goofin' prowess, and she told 
> me to write it down. I enjoy ride reports and bike pics, it’s the main 
> reason I spend time on lists or forums. So here we are. 
> A couple of weeks ago I turned fifty. That came with complicated feelings 
> of...well...getting older. Because fifty is one of those age numbers that 
> feels bigly different to reach. But also, I felt happy because my kids are 
> also getting older and that's brought some really positive changes to our 
> household. Including both kids really embracing bike riding! 
> Let me start by saying that I know some of you here IRL, and you know me. 
> We live in the same town and maybe you were on this ride! If so, hi. If we 
> follow each other on social media than you already know that earlier this 
> week I made the assertion that if you are an adult with young kids who has 
> lately been thinking about how you'll never get to ride your bikes (or 
> certain of them) again, and you should sell them, you should belay that 
> thought! I spent what felt like *years* trying to get my kids into cycling 
> with me and many a bike got sold for "gathering dust", but last year my 
> older son discovered riding and now it's all he wants to do and talk about. 
> Wow, if he is a mirror of me, I am pretty annoying. But I digress, he has 
> found his legs and the courage to start working on bikes, and talking about 
> being an engineer, and going outside, and volunteering, and touching grass. 
> It's great! So, because he likes to ride and it's something we can do 
> together, we went on a community ride last night: The "Sac From The Dead 
> X Squid Shred to Ed's" (a collaboration of two rides). 
> The bikes: I rode my purple 1992 XO-1. It's set up with a Nitto Hi Hi Bar 
> and Panaracer Paselas in the 1.5 flavor. This is the second time I have 
> taken this bike (my "road bike") in the dirt. My son rode his Velo Orange 
> Piolet, AKA The Pig, which is monstrous and made even more so by the 
> addition of Tumbleweed Persuader handlebars. On previous rides I've brought 
> my Rivendell Atlantis and my (formerly) dirt dropped Hot Salad MTB. 
> "Sac From The Dead" is billed as the "26th of Every Month ATB Ride" and 
> the idea is supposed to be that you show up on your old 26" wheeled bike 
> and go wild. I've done a couple of these rides and they've varied from 
> comfortable cruising all over town, to what felt like riding into a 
> headwind along twenty miles of chunky railroad ballast. 
> "Shred to Ed's" is both a model of BMX bike built by Sacramento locals 
> Squid Bikes and the description of an activity which involved "spirited" 
> riding to the eponymous Ed's Market, a local corner store with proximity to 
> Sacramento's riverside cutty trails, training and proving grounds of these 
> cool kids of tracklo and cyclocross. Someday I'm gonna ride one of those 
> Squid Bikes...some day. 
> Yesterday, the combination of the two rides resulted in a lot of chaotic 
> choices disguised as opportunities to end up at the same place. Levies, 
> both up and down! Semi-active construction sites under the freeway! Deer 
> trails laden with both goat heads and broken glass! Surprise drops, whoops, 
> alley oops, plain old oops! Blinded by the sun, blinded by the dust, don't 
> lose that wheel in front of me because there ain't any sweeps today. But as 
> the ride leaders said when we all met up to get started, or something to 
> the extent of this, "Guys, it's a little gnarly and you might get 
> incapacitated but we'll meet for hot dogs, so it's fine". Okay, no one said 
> that, Leah summed up the ride I described with that and it was so funny and 
> accurate I just made it so. 
> You're wondering about the hot dogs. The 26'er ride had advertised the 
> possibility of hot dogs at the end and implored you to "Bring Buns". Yes, 
> there were in fact eighty hotdogs and a grill on one participant's vintage 
> Schwinn Cimmaron (you know who you are), and yes, we ate them at the end. 
> So, there was an easy ride and a hard ride. My son looked at me and said, 
> "You're going on the easy ride? I'll see you at the end." And off he went 
> on The Pig. The "easy ride" took off at a brisk pace and I scrambled to 
> follow. Good news, my XO-1 is actually a fast bike (for me) and I could 
> keep up. We jetted along the paved trail until we came to a dirt trail and 
> off we went, up down all around. I was lost in minutes, in my own town, 
> probably minutes from the exits/freeway/neighborhood. I had the experience 
> of no time whatsoever to consider whether or not I could ride an obstacle, 
> because there were people doing it in front of me, and people hard on my 
> wheel behind me. Those Panaracers handled the loose scree admirably. We 
> ended up under the freeway. I was sweaty and dusty. I fist bumped some 
> other Bridgestone riders and drank water. We took off again. I never saw my 
> son. I was worried, but mostly because he had my two cold Sierra Nevada Hop 
> Splash Citruses in his Carradice bag. These are delicious. We rode on. I 
> followed a guy with a bluetooth speaker dangling from his bars. The beat 
> was perfect. I slid out in some gravel but didn't fall down. I felt young 
> and badass. Having recently turned fifty, this was a great way to feel. 
> Note: I have since seen a video with me in it and I do not, in fact, look 
> badass.
> Eventually we stopped under a tree. My son appeared and told me he had 
> crashed hard and landed on his face. He was sporting a cool scrape and the 
> beginnings of a shiner, maybe. Naturally there was also a root to fall on. 
> Later he told me he had a not-insignificant bruise on his hip, to match his 
> face. Reminds me, he needs a new helmet. The ride went on and he departed 
> again with the fast group. Woo hoo!
> After what felt like not very long, we arrived at Ed's Market. I secured 
> my still-cold Hop Splash and chugged it. My kid got an ice cream because "I 
> fell on my face". Beers and sodas were purchased, and we made our way to 
> the riverside "beach", a dusty, dried grass filled cut-out in the shore 
> where the grill was set up and the chicken franks smoking away. Not 
> everyone brought buns but fingers and beer can tables and dirty knees were 
> pressed into service, and hot dogs gobbled. A few folks jumped in the 
> river. It was an idyllic, hot, Sacramento evening and a great time. 
> Riding home with my son, sharing his dynamo headlight because I forgot 
> one, was a great end to the evening. This year my son is going to try 
> mountain bike racing on a teen league and it's just awesome that he's able 
> to go out into our own community and ride bikes and work on skills in a low 
> pressure environment full of nice folks who just want to also ride bikes. 
> So that's my ride report. And I didn't even take any pictures (too busy 
> trying not to crash). But someone else took a pic of my bike, so here it 
> is. And here it is with someone else’s XO-2. And here’s my son on his Pig, 
> but from a different day.
> Thanks for reading this far, if you did!
> Liz in Sacramento 
> [image: image0.jpeg][image: image1.jpeg][image: image2.jpeg]

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