Bicycle Times is pretty good.  BQ is tops.  RR is basically extinct.
Other than that we are pretty much freaks.  Go to the magazine rack
and just look at the quantity of mags on cars, motorcycles, soccer,
knives, watches, dolls, guns (OH my!), etc....are we really that
small?  There is basically nothing on the bikes I assume most of us
like. I appreciate whatever I can get...right now BQ is ahead by
miles.  I've got all the old Readers, just about all the BQ's and
previous VBQ's, most of the Bridgestone BOB mags and a few of the "On
the Roads".  When I get bored I pull an old one out of the
pile....better than anything else out there.

On Oct 17, 5:32 pm, Tim McNamara <> wrote:
> On Oct 17, 2011, at 12:17 PM, PATRICK MOORE wrote:
> > Curious why you don't like it. I've subscribed for several years
> > (don't hoard the back issues; usually use them as impromptu trading
> > scrip) and find it interesting enough to keep at it, but it does
> > strongly reflect the editor's own interests -- and who can blame him?
> > The latest issue was quite interesting, IMO.
> While my preferences differ from Jan's in terms of bike geometry, etc., BQ 
> covers enough different stuff to keep me reading it.  Some of the historical 
> stuff is really good and I have thoroughly enjoyed his interviews with 
> various French randonneurs et al.
> > One defect is that it lacks sprightly writing: Jan writes competently
> > but not hugely interestingly.
> On the other hand, his review of the Calfee CFRP bike bordered on the weird 
> with much discussion of what he might have done with the bike rather than 
> about the bike.
> > Grant is in the opposite camp: not
> > always right (and who can blame him?) but always interesting.
> The Riv Reader remains my favorite cycling "periodical."
> > Personally, I'd like to see more articles like that a year or two ago
> > by the woman who toured India on an Indian 3d world roadster.
> > Moving on: can anyone suggest good general purpose cycling mags, with
> > an interest in history and in the more unusual bike tech (trikes! Jest
> > kiddin')? RR is now a very rare bird. Bicycling is not as bad as in
> > its abysmal days under one Z Espinoza, but it is bland, decaf,
> > soporific; Cycling Plus is expensive and too bland for the price, not
> > to mention the fact that it is (of course) Britain focused. Road Bike
> > Action, Velo News, meh. Mountain Bike Action -- does that still exist?
> > If so, meh again. Is there another Bicycle Guide out there in the
> > media cosmos?
> Not that I have found.  There's just not enough market for this sort of thing 
> to pay for it, I suppose.  But if someone knows of something, I'd be 
> delighted to hear about it.

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