> The number of forums in which I could be considered fraternizing with the
> kids is dwindling  :)
> Born in 1969 (69 dude!)

Ha.  I was spawned in the Summer of Love, but am slower than
Christmas.  I can add a variation on the theme, though.

Was out with some contemporaries, on a meander through some hills
south of town, and we pulled over for a second.  One of us was on a
wife's Betty Foy, which drew a snarky "nice bike" comment from a young
lycra-clad carbon afficianado riding past.  It was just before a nice
set of rollers that challenge my legs, but my buddy -- who is fitter
than your average fellow, even in his advanced years -- took Betty on
a quicker pace, caught, greeted, and dropped the critics, who
struggled to hold the line before bonking.  I'm not generally amused
by random displays of machismo, but this one gave us all a chuckle.

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