
Glad to have your input.  A great 2 cents worth!   Goes to show how
various blog reviews can be biased & outdated. Helps to have informed
perspectives on other perspectives  You have me reconsidering a hub
change. Will stop in at Riv and see what Rich would charge for a hub
change.  I'm still going to go with a battery backup system.
Thanks again

On Dec 15, 10:49 am, Kelly Sleeper <> wrote:
> @Rene  Ok so I wasn't real impressed with that site.  First I have three 
> SON28's and through I do feel it at times it's on high speed downhills.  Also 
> to me the drag is less at lower speeds and the author indicated that higher 
> speeds the hub was had less drag.
> To continue,   at the end he was rather smug in the retaliation of other 
> blogs or what not.  In the end I didn't feel it was a credible source.  Even 
> though Peter White sells the stuff I feel better about his credibility and 
> reviews.    This may be just me.
> Also be careful on that site.  Many of the reviews and statements are based 
> on 2007/2008 evaluations.  Check the dates.
> I've also taken the SON28 off the bike and ridden with a regular wheel.  
> Honestly I couldn't tell the difference.   Have the time I have to reach over 
> and see if the light is on.  I sure haven't had any vibration that worked 
> it's way to the handlebars on any of the bikes.
> If not mistaken the Edelux is 80 lux or advertised as so.  It's my opinion 
> that it's about the same brightness of a Minewt only covering 3x the area. 
> (guessing and my opinion once again)
> Not to mention I think it would be great to see night rider or others getting 
> back into the dyno systems and bringing the technology they poor into the 
> battery market.  In the mean time after a year on dyno systems I could not go 
> back to battery.  Not because battery doesn't work, but because I'm lazy, 
> unorganized, and spur of the moment.  Dyno systems allow me to just go and 
> not think.. :) I have had numerous instances over the years where batterie's 
> died .. I forgot to charge or didn't turn the beam down lower etc.
> That's my 2 cents.. not claiming to be right.. just my impressions.
> kelly

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