For those interested in making hotel reservations for the overnight in 
Wabasha on June 2, I've been told that the website of the biggest hotel 
there, Americinn, shows that the place is booked. I've also been told that 
the website is inaccurate and that there may be still rooms available, but 
you'll have to call them to reserve a room. [800] 634.3444

I'm planning to camp at the city park, and there should be plenty of space 
for your tent there, too, if the hotel thing doesn't work out for one 
reason or another.

On Monday, April 23, 2012 12:47:16 PM UTC-5, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery 
> We managed to schedule Grant's book-signing visit for May 31 at Hiawatha 
> Cyclery in Minneapolis, MN, which dovetails nicely into the Midwest Riv 
> rally that begins the following day, June 1 in Red Wing, MN. It's going to 
> be a solid 4-5 days of Riv-ish bike fun. And you're invited!
> Here's some detail.
> Thursday, May 31. 
> I believe the book-signing is scheduled for 6-7:30 PM. I'm going to 
> provide grilled sausages/burgers and/or pulled pork and fancy beer and 
> probably have potluck for the rest. I'm aiming to feed 50 mouths, but maybe 
> 100, who knows! Come by the shop starting around 4-5 pm, and be hungry and 
> ready to talk bikes and look at bikes and ride around on bikes. 
> By pure coincidence, local bike company Salsa Cycles is sponsoring a film 
> at nearby Riverview Theater the same evening.
> I would have hated to miss this, but there is a 9pm showing for the film. 
> We can do the book signing thing with Grant, then anybody who's interested 
> can ride over to the theater (which is an old-timey neighborhood movie 
> theater, not a modern shopping mall cineplex). If past experience is an 
> indicator, attending bike films at the Riverview with several hundred 
> Minneapolis bike nuts and bike industry types will be really, really fun. 
> Seriously, this is going to be a spectacular evening for bike people.
> Friday, June 1:
> I'll be leaving in the morning to ride down to Red Wing to meet and greet 
> out-of-towners who are joining the Midwest Riv Rally. You can ride down 
> with me if you want to. The ride to Red Wing is about 65 miles. This 
> meet-and-greet will be an informal sort of thing, but I imagine we'll ride 
> around, eat, drink, be merry, and then scatter off to our respective 
> accommodations. The natural focal point for meeting up in Red Wing will be 
> Bay Point Park. Again, this part is highly unofficial and not at all 
> choreographed. Go to the park, and look for people on nice bikes, and then 
> hang out with them. I'm planning to roll in around 3-4 PM, but that really 
> depends on who rides with me and how fast we go.
> Saturday, June 2:
> Meet at Bay Point Park around 8 am. We'll try to ride out around 9 am down 
> the Wisconsin side of Lake Pepin. Expect 50-60 glorious low-traffic miles 
> of mixed terrain, some hills, some gravel, some pavement, perhaps a modest 
> water crossing (or three). There are cafes and pie shops along the route so 
> we don't need to pack much food. Do not ask me how fast the ride will be, 
> please. I simply don't know, and don't care. It's my opinion that the group 
> should stick together. The fast guys and gals can wait for us slowpokes at 
> the tops of hills and at intersections. Everybody should feel free to stop 
> to snap photos, take a breather, slow down, walk up the hills, etc. I don't 
> plan to provide maps or cue sheets for various reasons, but mostly so we 
> don't get too focused on the route and so that the fast people don't turn 
> it into a race. When we get to Wabasha, I'll have camping arranged, but 
> there's at least one hotel there for those who don't care to camp. You're 
> on your own for hotel reservations. At this time, I don't plan to have any 
> support vehicle, so you'll have to carry your own gear or convince someone 
> else to carry it for you. Maybe one of you has a spouse or friend or 
> relative who'd like to be involved but who doesn't want to ride a bike? If 
> so, maybe you could volunteer that person to provide a support vehicle? But 
> my default is no support vehicle, just so we're all prepared. To be clear, 
> my default is no support of any kind. Just a friendly ride, and if 
> something bad happens, we'll figure out how best to handle it.
> Sunday, June 3: Much like the previous day, except in Minnesota. We'll 
> roll out of Wabasha around 9 am and follow a mixed terrain route, mostly 
> paved, but some gravel, some hills, somewhat more traffic. When we get back 
> to Red Wing, the ride/rally will end.
> Depending on the time, weather, and mood, I will either look for 
> accommodations for the night in Red Wing, or start riding back to 
> Minneapolis. I'm planning to get back to Minneapolis by Monday afternoon, 
> but it could be Sunday night if the wind blows in the right direction.
> Any questions or concerns or other stuff? Post it here, and we'll talk. 
> Are you planning to drive in and have room for someone to share a ride? 
> Post here and maybe a carpool can be arranged.

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