Dear Tony(s),
I have a PBH of 863cm and ride a 61cm Atlantis - the tallest of all my bikes. 
I'm 6' with a long torso. I feel at home on it. The stand over is a tight fit, 
but works fine for gravel & pavement, but I would not do rough off-road with 
it. I think the top tube on the Atlantis is a bit (one-cm?) shorter than other 
Rivs, so you might factor that in. It's more important to me than stand over.

        Paul Germain
        Midlothian, VA

Tonester <> Aug 05 09:22AM -0700  

A few thoughts: I'm 6'3" with a 91pbh, short torsoed. I would have "fit" 
on a 64c but chose a 62c for a couple of reasons: the top tube was 
slightly shorter and fit by reach better and I wanted a bit more stand 
over. If you've done any challenging off-loading, you'll have experienced 
the need to hop off the pedals and touch down on uneven ground. If the 
bike is on ground higher than where your feet land, a bit more standover 
can be more uh..... accommodating? I'm also running 40c tires so that adds 
to the equation somewhat. On the road or light duty trails it's less of an 
issue. I think in the end what you'll be comfortable on depends on your 
riding needs will be.
Given what's been shared on this thread, I'd be inclined to look for a 
trade for a 62c.
On Saturday, August 3, 2013 8:53:39 PM UTC-7, Tony DeFilippo wrote:


Tony DeFilippo <> Aug 05 11:39AM -0700  

Tonester - your post echo's what I've been thinking exactly... particularly 
the coming down on uneven ground bit. Nice to hear from someone in the 
same pbh range, I appreciate the comment! I'm going to hold off till I get 
a chance to chat with the Riv guys but you may be seeing a WTT up soon...

Paul Germain

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