On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 6:48 PM, hsmitham <hughsmit...@gmail.com>  wrote:

What is this planing? Never heard of it? Patrick please explain or anyone
who knows of this phenomenon.

Read back issues of Bicycle Quarterly. Or perhaps someone who has
experienced it can explain -- Ryan W, Steve? Generally, it is when the flex
of the frame somehow complements your pedaling style, flexes in sync with
your pedaling, and "gives back" so that you get maximum speed from a given
effort. The term is nautical and per Jan (I know less of motorboat planing
than bicycle planing) refers to the way motorboats with a certain type of
hull rise out of the water at a certain speed so that only the rear part of
the hull is in the water, thus minimizing drag.

Again, I read of it with interest, but can't say I've experienced it. From
all the talk about it, I gather it relates to weight and pedaling style in
correlation with frame flex (a heavy masher would require a stiffer frame
to "p'ane" than a light spinner).

Me, what I experience, without ever measuring it (but I've experienced it
consistently for years) is that certain bikes that fit in a certain way
encourage effort in a way that other bikes, even if lighter, don't. My
erstwhile tank of a stout tubed Herse, with mediocre tires, felt that way
(though I sold it because other aspects didn't please me). The Ram and the
two customs feel that way (the Ram new since 4/13, is now perfectly set up,
after I recently re-adjusted the bar tilt. Now it feels exactly like the
customs, 4/99 and 3/03 respectively. That tells me something about setup as
well as design -- ie, that a certain saddle setback behind bb, a certain
reach to the bar, a certain drop to the bar, "feel" right and seem most apt
to make use of my admittedly meagre output.

Note that this "right setup and design" are undoubtedly relative to my sort
of riding -- generally short and relatively (very relatively) energetic.

Meandering on: butt back, hips well behind bb -- KOPS be damned, bar low
but not very low, hands light on ramps, hoods, hooks, slow cadence with
weight on pedals -- as I said in another post, this seems to sum it up:


Patrick "blah, blah, blah, blah, AND blah, blah blah, etc, etc" Moore

Certified Resume Writer

Albuquerque, N

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