First, sorry for my English.
Second, i join to the words of gratitude expressed by Dwayne:  "THANK YOU
I have too many functions user defined in my Excel and for my the order is a
small obsession.
For this reason i have put the following code in the Sub "Workbook_Open()"
of the workbook "Personal.xls" (that it is opened when initiating Excel
With this code all the "Sheet Functions" of Rexcel have a brief description
of its operation (taken from the help) and are classified in a new category
of user defined functions  called "RExcel".
Simply the following code is due to copy into the Sub "Workbook_Open()" of
the workbook "Personal.xls":
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RPut", _
    Description:="Assigns the value(s) from range to the R variable var and
returns a string containing the name of var", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RStrPut", _
    Description:="Assigns the value(s) from range to the R variable var as
string(s) and returns a string containing the name of var", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RPutDataframe", _
    Description:="Assigns the value(s) from range to the R variable var as
dataframe.The first row of the range has to contain the names of the
variables.If attach is given and TRUE then dataframe is attached other, not
attached.Returns a string containing the name of var.", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RFactor", _
    Description:="Converts the R variable into a factor. var has to be a
fully qualified name in R. For a nonattached dataframe var has to be given
in the form dataframe$var. Returns a string containing the name of var.
Accepts only one name as argument", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RFactorLevels", _
    Description:="Converts the R variable into an ordered factor. levels is
a range containing the ordered factor levels. var behaves like the same
argument of RFactor Returns a string containing the name of var", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="REval", _
    Description:="Returns the result of evaluating expression", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Component", _
    Description:="Takes a series of strings and builds a string which is a R
expression where the second and further arguments extract list components
from the expression so far (used to get components from functions returning
lists)", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RApply", _
    Description:="Applies function to the arguments given by args. The
values contained in the cells become the arguments of the function call", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RApplyC", _
    Description:="Applies function to the arguments given by args. The
values contained in the cells become the arguments of the function call.
Result of function is supposed to be an object. Return value of RApplyC is
the element component of this object", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RApplyA", _
    Description:="Applies function to the arguments given by argstring.
argstring is a string with all the arguments for the function call", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RApplyAC", _
    Description:="Applies function to the arguments given by argstring.
argstring is a string with all the arguments for the function call. Result
of function is supposed to be an object. Return value of RApplyAC is the
element component of this object", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RExec", _
    Description:="Executes the contents of range but does not get a return
value from R; returns the string 'Done:' and text of executed R code", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RCall", _
    Description:="Applies function to the arguments given by args. function
is a procedure, i.e. has no valid return value in R. The values contained in
the cells become the arguments of the function call; returns the string
'Done:' and text of executed R code", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RCallA", _
    Description:="Applies function to the arguments given by argstring.
function is a procedure, i.e. has no valid return value in R. args is a
string with all the arguments for the function call; returns the string
'Done:' and text of executed R code.", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RSetEval", _
    Description:="Assigns an R expression to an R variable. Return value of
RSetEval is the name of the assigned variable ", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RSetApply", _
    Description:="Applies function to args (Excel values), assigns result to
R variable. Return value of RSetApply is the name of the assigned variable",
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RSetApplyA", _
    Description:="Applies function to arguments argstring (R values,
arguments given as string), assigns result to R variable. Return value of
RSetApplyA is the name of the assigned variable", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="MakeArgs", _
    Description:="Creates a string with unnamed and named R arguments from
an Excel range. If transpose=FALSE argument range is oriented columnwise,
otherwise rowwise. Used to build argument strings for RApplyA, RApplyAC,
RCallA, and RSetApplyA", _
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="RNumber", _
    Description:="Converts a number to a string with the decimal separators
needed by R", _
Kind Regards
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Jose Luis Gilsanz Gomez
Tasaciones Hipotecarias - Estadistica
Atisreal España
Maria de Molina,54
28006 Madrid
Tel. +34 91 454 96 94
Fax +34 91 782 21 64
 <http://www.atisreal.es/> www.atisreal.es -  <http://www.tasacionesh.es/>
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