Recently, we upgraded our R installation from version 2.0 to version
2.7.0 and the appropriate RDCOM & RExcel server from version 1.35 to
version 2.50 (1.75 for RExcel).

For testing purposes an Excel workbook using RExcel commands that
worked nicely under the old R & RExcel versions was run on another
Windows XP machine (using the same login/roaming profile). The
following error message pops-up after considerable run time has
elapsed (no changes were made to the sheets):

"Microsoft Office Excel cannot calculate a formula. There is a
circular reference in an open workbook, but the reference that cause
it cannot be listed  for you. Try editing the last formula you entered
or removing it with the Undo command (Edit menu)."

In the status line the message "Circular" is printed either standalone
or with a cell reference on all sheets.

The error seems to be related to the dummy arguments of the following
RExcel commands:
"=reval("cor(dat, method=""sp"")",A3)", where "dat" is set in
When the above array formulas are recalculated without the dummy
arguments, there are no error messages regarding circular references
and the calculations are ok (modulo automatic recalc).

However, setting up a new workbook using RExcel commands with dummy
arguments causes no errors.
What's the problem and how can it be resolved?

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