
Igor Mariash schrieb:
For some reason, pretty much any failed R command is resulting in the exception Exception Object is static; operation not allowed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004000B (OLE_E_STATIC))

0x8004000B is an interface-specific code. Sometimes, so I hope, this will lead people to read the docs and find the description :)

being thrown. The GetErrorText() returns only “evaluation stopped because of an error”. I need to replicate the R-program in full via R-GUI to have any useful information regarding my R-code.

Some sort of redirection the informative part from "Error: <text>" console output into something accessible via R(D)COM, say regular variable (like capture.output but for errors) would be ideal. However, I am not aware of such command.

Use StringLogDevice for this.


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