I send again my message as I a m note sure it has been sent before

After some problem buy the installation of RExcel, I succeed in doing it today 
thanks to the Randfroiiends. Nevertheless, when I click on the icon Rexcel on 
my desktop an error message came telling 'compilation error incorrect object 
library ou library containing references to unfoundable objects definition. 
In addition  the Rcmdr consol don't appear and the complement RExcel also don't 
appera in the excel tool bar.

I already tried a lot af things and I do not know what to do anymore so that it 
works. By the way I have got Excel 2007 ,R7.2 and windows vista and for two 
weeks RExcel works without any problems oon my computer and suddendly it didn't 
work anymore. That's why I deceded to uninstall it (I uninstalled everything 
(office, R, RExcel..I did not have RDcom to uninstall)
I reinstalled everything and it stil don't work.

Please halp me, I need REcel in order to do a project at school.

Thanks for your help

Best regards

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