
I'm using the DCOM server with Scilab 4.1.2 and calling the functions from
within Excel. Everything works as expected except I cannot use functions
from all installed macros.

I've written my own macro and have no problems using the functions in that,
but when I try to use functions from Grocer library, such as bfl or chowlin
then it doesn't work - I get the VBA error: Method 'Evaluate' of object
'IStatConnector' failed.

I've done various tests and am fairly sure that the problem is that the DCOM
server cannot find the Grocer functions. I am also fairly certain that
Grocer is installed correctly because from within Scilab I can use the
functions, its only from Excel via DCOM server that I can't use them.

Can anyone please advise how to fix this?

Grocer: http://dubois.ensae.net/grocer.html

Many thanks,
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