Thanks for that information; I sure hope this cures the troubles.

Question: Off-topic, but intimately related..., in the R 2.8.0 etc directory, includes the lines:

if (.Platform$GUI %in% c("Rgui","Rterm")){
  if(!("rcom" %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])){
    install.packages("rcom", dep = T);
    dummy<-comRegisterRegistry()} else {

I'm not sure whether they were already there in the version of that came with the 2.8.0 distribution or whether I put them there because I had them there in for an earlier version of R.

But obviously they block doing package update of rcom, and hence of rscroxy, from within Rgui, since these packages are already loaded when the R command line becomes available within Rgui.

Is it OK to comment out those lines temporarily from in order do the package update?

Prokaj Vilmos wrote:
The latest rscproxy is 1.0-12. 1.0-11 is buggy. Wait for the compiled binary or compile yourself from sources. I could download this morning the source of the new version from the austrian mirror of CRAN.

Murray Eisenberg írta:
I have R 2.8.0. In its library I have the latest rcom (2.0.4) and rscproxy (1.0.11) from CRAN (as of 15 minutes ago). I installed the latest RExcelInstaller (3.0.5), and I still have the recently installed DCOM from R_Scilab_DCOM3.0-1B1beta.exe

When I start R it tells me that rcom and rscproxy are required packages that have been loaded. Just to make sure, I executed:


Still, when I I try "Server 01- Basic Test," I get a pop-up "StatConnector Test" window. If I click the Start R button, I see:

  Loading StatConnector Server... Done
  Initializing R...Function call failed
     Code: -2147221485
     Text: installation problem: unable to load connector

and I get a separate "Test1" pop-up saying "Method '~' of object '~' failed.

And still if, from Excel's RExcel menu item I select R Start, I get a pop-up saying: Could not start RServer.

What's going on here?

Murray Eisenberg                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

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