I don't know whether this is through error on my part or because of an
"infelicity" in the Rcpp module code but the lme4a package, which now
uses Rcpp modules extensively, ends up with some difficult-to-trace
memory corruption issues.  Yesterday i finally bit the bullet and ran
a test with gctorture(TRUE) and valgrind enabled.  It takes a very
long time and results in a segfault when trying to load the package.
I enclose the transcript.  I should say that this is using Rcpp_0.9.0
from CRAN, not the SVN version of Rcpp.

I just got these results this morning (it was running overnight) and
haven't looked at the code in Module.cpp and cache.cpp yet.  If it
seems likely that the code is beyond me I can try to work out a
simpler example that triggers the problem.
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