
On 19 February 2013 at 23:24, Ken Williams wrote:
| > From: Dirk Eddelbuettel []
| > Eeeek.  I prefer the more C++-y way of writing df(j,i).
| Attempting to do so, I get a compile-time error:
| window.cpp:68:34: error: ambiguous overload for 'operator-' in 
'Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>::operator()(const size_t&, const size_t&) [with int RTYPE 
= 19, Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>::Proxy = Rcpp::internal::generic_proxy<19>, size_t = 
long long unsigned int]((* &((size_t)j)), (* &((size_t)i))) - 
Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>::operator()(const size_t&, const size_t&) [with int RTYPE = 
19, Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>::Proxy = Rcpp::internal::generic_proxy<19>, size_t = 
long long unsigned int]((* &((size_t)j)), (* &((size_t)last_i)))'
| window.cpp:68:34: note: candidates are:
| window.cpp:68:34: note: operator-(SEXP, SEXP) <built-in>
| window.cpp:68:34: note: operator-(SEXP, long long int) <built-in>
| window.cpp:68:34: note: operator-(int, int) <built-in>
| For context, the line that's failing is:
|      if(fabs(df(j,i)-df(j,last_i))>thresh) {

You are relying on an implicit conversion here to make df(.,.) a double. The
compiler tells you that it is trying sugar operators.  Sugar is good to have
in Rcpp, but occassionally there is a cost. This may be one of those times.


        double a = df(j,i);
        double b = df(j,last_i);
        if (fabs(a - b) > thresh) {

and see if that works.  

You may want to look into using Armadillo vectors and matrices (or Eigen's,
we are equal opportunity here).  I had good luck with Armadilllo.

| I was operating under the premise that there "must be" a constant-time 
accessor for a List element (DataFrame column), and once I have that, a 
constant-time accessor for an element of that vector.  I know the latter is 
true, but is the former not true?  I assumed it was but that I just couldn't 
find it.

Sadly, "must be" is a little too optimistic.  

Not every conceivable operation is implemented in Rcpp, but we are always
open to patches to make it more complete.

Hope this helps,  Dirk

Dirk Eddelbuettel | |  
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